The network simulator 3 is functioning through the utilization of C++ along with the optional python bindings, so it is considered as the primary programming language based on Ns3.
Now, let’s take a glance over the process of creating C++ code as mentioned in the above statement. Firstly, we have described the C++ code based on wifi configuration.
WifiHelper::Install (const WifiPhyHelper &phyHelper,
const WifiMacHelper &macHelper, NodeContainer c) const
NetDeviceContainer devices;
for (NodeContainer::Iterator i = c.Begin (); i != c.End (); ++i)
Ptr node = *i;
Ptr device = CreateObject ();
Ptr manager = m_stationManager.Create ();
Ptr mac = macHelper.Create ();
Ptr phy = phyHelper.Create (node, device);
mac->SetAddress (Mac48Address::Allocate ());
mac->ConfigureStandard (m_standard);
phy->ConfigureStandard (m_standard);
device->SetMac (mac);
device->SetPhy (phy);
device->SetRemoteStationManager (manager);
node->AddDevice (device);
devices.Add (device);
NS_LOG_DEBUG ("node=" << node << ", mob=" << node->GetObject ());
return devices;
LteHelper::InstallEnbDevice (NodeContainer c)
Initialize (); // will run DoInitialize () if necessary
NetDeviceContainer devices;
for (NodeContainer::Iterator i = c.Begin (); i != c.End (); ++i)
Ptr node = *i;
Ptr device = InstallSingleEnbDevice (node);
devices.Add (device);
return devices;
Additionally, we have highlighted the utilization of C++ code in the process of LTE configuration.
LteHelper::InstallUeDevice (NodeContainer c)
NetDeviceContainer devices;
for (NodeContainer::Iterator i = c.Begin (); i != c.End (); ++i)
Ptr node = *i;
Ptr device = InstallSingleUeDevice (node);
devices.Add (device);
return devices;
Ns3 simulation is about the creation of simulation file, so we have created a sample simulation main file in the scratch folder along with the file extension based on .cc. The below mentioned sample code is for the processes namely.
- Data communication
TypeId tid1 = TypeId::LookupByName ("ns3::UdpSocketFactory");
Ptr recvSink1 = Socket::CreateSocket (d.Get (0), tid1);
InetSocketAddress local1 = InetSocketAddress (Ipv4Address::GetAny (), 80);
recvSink1->Bind (local1);
recvSink1->SetRecvCallback (MakeCallback (&ReceivePacket));
Ptr source = Socket::CreateSocket (c.Get (i), tid1);
InetSocketAddress remote = InetSocketAddress (Ipv4Address (""), 80);
source->SetAllowBroadcast (true);
source->Connect (remote);
Simulator::ScheduleWithContext (source->GetNode ()->GetId (),Seconds (0.1), &GenerateTraffic,source, packetSize, numPackets,interPacketInterval);
- Flowmonitoring
Ptr classifier = DynamicCast (flowmon.GetClassifier ());
std::map stats = monitor->GetFlowStats ();
for (std::map::const_iterator i = stats.begin (); i != stats.end (); ++i){
rxPacketsum += (i->second.txBytes/(numUsers*10));
LostPacketsum += i->second.lostPackets;
DropPacketsum += i->second.packetsDropped.size();
Delaysum += i->second.delaySum.GetSeconds();
Additionally, the main file is implemented through the command that is highlighted in the following along with the result of main file implementation.
sudo ./waf –run Main --vis
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