Computer Networking Project For Students is created by connecting various computers by various network links. We offer computer networking which deals with various algorithm and protocol developed in networks. Also, We develop computer networking projects for college students and research scholars. We implement computer network projects for computer science students under the category of post graduate and under graduate degree. Our faculty has undergone research to develop academic projects in computer network. We provide computer network projects with various issues like security & routing. To overcome issues we implement new algorithm & protocol for ME students.
Social networking projects:
Our main aid of proxy is to detect and determine security threat websites. We handle website threat such as malware, phishing websites and malicious connection. Also, We introduce proxy in social network to integrate commercial protection software and online security scanning into security model.
In every process the service execute webpage security threat scan and scanned information send by web server before sending data to client. When security threats are found in webpage then corresponding webpage is added into blacklist which provide warning to client for attack prevention we handled more than 90+ projects in various network to handle security issues.

Software defined network projects:
We provide software defined home network for multi home visual sharing process. Also, We integrate home electronic device with SDN emerging technology. By adopting on demand provision protocol in software defined network ensure high degree of flexibility for intra home network and wide connection for inter home network. We provide corresponding protocol in SDN realized by using multi home visual sharing methodology. Also, We use SDHN to ensure network connection among various devices available in home & support diverse future scenario.
CCN network:
We propose content centric network for content sharing which composed of virtual private community from Elsevier papers. Also, We implement VPC (virtual private community) a hierarchical closed user group which create & manage devices. We deploy CCN in internet to reduce congestion and latency by elimination of redundant data delivery. Also, We develop CCN based Computer networking projects for students with android platforms. We demonstrate potential user device oriented CCN application.
Service oriented network:
Network plays a vital role in cloud environment ensures network convergence and cloud computing. We apply service oriented architecture into network virtualization provide network as service to create integration of network and cloud computing. Also, We support SOA approach with network virtualization in telecommunications and internet. We establish service oriented architecture composed of set of services to make communication with one another to craft telecommunication thesis ideas. We provide SOA communication with simple data passing.