From the entire research areas, network related research projects are highly welcomed because the utmost population is interconnected with various digital physical devices. Therefore, there is a high chance to prove something new in front of technical world along with the research topics such as,
- Channel rate adaptation in wireless networks
- Next generation wireless networks
- Multimedia transmission in HetNets
- Cross layer design in wireless networks
Latest Network Projects
In addition to that, our research experts have described about the notable research projects in the field of network.
- Vehicular ad hoc networks using cooperative TDMA based MAC protocol
- A collision free TDMA and finite queues for wireless mesh networks
- TDMA MAC in industrial wireless sensor network with optimization based time slot assignment & synchronization
- Wireless powered communication networks based utility resource allocation
- Wireless sensor network power control through energy efficiency TDMA/CSMA hybrid protocol
- TDMA based frequency hopping communication based protocol behavior identification
- Cyclical NOMA-TDMA using UAV assisted wireless powered relay networks
- TDMA/CSMA approach for prioritized multi-channel MAC protocol in ad hoc networks
- Energy harvesting wireless sensor networks using TDMA scheduling schemes targeting high channel utilization
- Genetic algorithm in wireless sensor networks for TDMA scheduling for tree based data collection
- A development in vehicular networks using TDMA based cooperative MAC protocol
- Time constrained wireless ad hoc networks using fairness aware topology independent TDMA MAC scheme
- CDMA wireless communication system with non‑cooperative uplink power control
- Wireless spread spectrum communication networks based remote health care wireless sensor network
- An energy efficient MAC protocol based slotted CSMA/CA in nano networks
- Cooperative channel hopping based CSMA/CA MAC in channel hopping cognitive radio networks
- An enhanced CSMA/CA algorithm suitable for power line and wireless hybrid networking scenarios
- LoRaWAN with CSMA/CA based Q-learning aided resource allocation and environment recognition
- Real time data fusion applications based on clustered WSN using modified CSMA/CA protocol
- Hybrid power-line/visible light communication network analysis via CSMA/CA based MAC protocol
The research scholars can reach us at any time to acquire a lot about the implementation of the projects based on network.