In fact! Our development team has completed several research projects based on cyber security. So, the research students can trust us for your final year projects along with that we have highlighted some research tools what our research team has utilized in the cyber security projects recently.
Simulation Tools
- Opnet
- It is deployed to permit the developers for the creation of secure cyber security models for the easy and quick process of learning language
- Ns-3
- It is an open source C++ library for the cryptographic schemes to perform the cyber security projects
- Java
- It is utilized in the network security and fraud detection process
Types of Attacks in Cyber Security
As an addition note, we have highlighted some cyber security attacks that have been detected in the research projects.
- Eavesdropping and phishing
- IpSpoofing
- Multi vector and polymorphic
- Direct access attack
- Denial of service (DoS) and DDoS
For your reference, we have highlighted some source code based in the Java which is related to the cyber security projects to perform the encryption and decryption process on the master card generation process.
- Initialization of algorithm
private static final String ALGORITHM = "RSA-OAEP-256";
private static final String ENCRYPTION = "A256GCM";
private static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "application/json";
- Performance of encryption based on key and input plain text value
for (Map.Entry entry : config.getEncryptionPaths().entrySet()) {
String jsonPathIn = entry.getKey();
String jsonPathOut = entry.getValue();
String getFieldLength = jsonPathIn.split("\\[.*?\\]")[0].concat(".length()");
Integer length =, getFieldLength);
for (Integer i = 0; i < length; i++) {
String newJsonPathIn = jsonPathIn.replace("*", i.toString());
String newJsonPathOut = jsonPathOut.replace("*", i.toString());
payloadContext = encryptPayloadPath(payloadContext, newJsonPathIn, newJsonPathOut, config);
- Decryption process based on encrypted text
String getFieldLength = jsonPathIn.split("\\[.*?\\]")[0].concat(".length()");
Integer length =, getFieldLength);
for (Integer i = 0; i < length; i++) {
String newJsonPathIn = jsonPathIn.replace("*", i.toString());
String newJsonPathOut = jsonPathOut.replace("*", i.toString());
payloadContext = decryptPayloadPath(payloadContext, newJsonPathIn, newJsonPathOut, config);}}}
If you guys have any issues while executing your final year project in cyber security, then the researchers can feel free to reach us to get rid off all such issues.