We have described all the steps that are involved in the process of implementing the simulation using Glomosim simulator. Before getting to know about the process of simulation, we have to know what Glomosim simulator is.
Glomosim is defined as the development of modular simulation environment for the protocol stack which is capable to scale up the networks.
Adding New Protocol in Glomosim Simulator
To create the new protocol, we have to modify the glomo.pc file using the code which is highlighted in the following.
ipLayer->routingProtocolChoice = ROUTING_PROTOCOL_NEWPROT;RoutingAodvInit(node, (GlomoRoutingAodv**)&ipLayer->routingProtocol, nodeInput);
Following that, we have to type the “routing protocol new prot” which is used in the functions and declared in the file named as, ./include/network.h,
} NetworkRoutingProtocolType;
Then, we have to modify the simulation event handing function has to be modified in this caseNetworkIpLayer() that can be found at nwip.pc file.
case ROUTING_PROTOCOL_NEWPROT: {RoutingAodvHandleProtocolEvent(node, msg);break;}. .
Execute Simulation in Glomosim Simulator
To implement the simulation process based on new protocol, we have to change the location of glomosim as “cd glomosim/bin” and implement the command mentioned below,
glomosim config.in
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