Our well experienced research professionals have highlighted all the essential process to implement network simulator 3 in python.
Phase: I
Initially, you guys have to know about all the fundamental requirements based on python through the implementation of the following commands in the terminal.
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install build-essential autoconf automake libxmu-dev python-pygoocanvas python-pygraphviz cvs mercurial bzr git cmake p7zip-full python-matplotlib python-tk python-dev python-kiwi python-gnome2 python-gnome2-desktop-dev python-rsvg qt4-dev-tools qt4-qmake qt4-qmake qt4-default gnuplot-x11 wireshark
Phase: II
As the next process, you have to select the particular python version and perform the configuration process version in Ns3. Then, the waf has to run along with the versions based on the python interpreter through the implementation of the following commands.
/usr/bin/python2.6 ./waf configure
Phase: III
At that moment, you have to debug the python bindings and verify the python installation in network simulator 3 through the implementation of the below mentioned commands.
./configure –with-pydebug
The research scholars can ping us at any time to clarify your doubts based on the implementation of python in ns3.