This article is about the depiction of calculating the packet delivery ratio based on the Ns3 simulator. Let’s take a look over the overall process of calculation.
Step: 1 Verify Ns-3 Installation
As the first process, we have to verify the ns3 packages that are installed already through the implementation of the following commands in the terminal.
sudo ./waf configure –enable-examples

Step: 2 Main File Source Code
Next, we have to locate the source code of the main file to generate the packet delivery ratio graph through the utilization of the gnuplot package execution.

Step: 3 Main File Execution
We have to implement the following commands to acquire the simulation process.
sudo ./waf –run Main –vis

Then, we acquire the simulation window of the main file execution.

Step: 4 Packet Delivery Ratio
Finally, we acquire the result for the packet delivery ratio in the format of graph.

Hopefully, we have come up with the most wanted process to calculate the packet delivery ratio in Ns3. What else? Just begin to implement by your own and hit us through various platforms if assistance required.