Ns3 Projects for B.E/B.Tech M.E/M.Tech PhD Scholars.  Phone-Number:9790238391   E-mail: ns3simulation@gmail.com

Ns3 Installation

          Let’s get to know about the installation process of Ns3 through the assistance of our research professionals.

Phase: I

         Initially, the required libraries based on ns-3.36 are implemented through the commands that are mentioned below.

apt install g++ python3 cmake ninja-build git

apt install ccache

Phase: II

       Next, ns-3.30 package is downloaded through the implementation of following commands.


mkdir tarballs

cd tarballs

wget http://www.nsnam.org/release/ns-allinone-3.30.tar.bz2

tar xjf ns-allinone-3.30.tar.bz2

Phase: III

        Then, ns-3.30 is installed in the terminal just by executing the commands that are mentioned below.


Phase: IV

         As the final process, we have to validate the process through changing the location of ns-3.30 in terminal through the execution of command in the following.


          Don’t hesitate to make a call for us to clarify all your doubt based on the issues that are occurred while installing Ns3.