If you people feel tired of searching the best guidance based on the installation of OMNeT++, then checkout this article. This handout provides that top to bottom process of installing OMNeT++.
Step: 1 Supportive Operating System
In general, OMNeT++ is supportive for several operating systems. For instance, we have highlighted the notable operating systems in the following.
- Linux distributions covered in this installation guide
- Windows on x86_64 architecture
- MacOS 10.15 and 11.x on x86_64 architecture
Step: 2 Download OMNeT++
At the same time, we have to download the OMNeT++ source code using the URL, “https://omnetpp.org” while downloading we have to select the windows specific archive and that is named as omnetpp-6.0-windows-x86_64.zip.
Additionally, the packages include the command line build environment, C++ compiler, programs and libraries required for OMNeT++.
Step: 3 OMNeT++ Configuration and Installation
Then, we have to start the mingwenv.cmd in Omnetpp-6.0 directory through double clicking the windows explorer and the location of OMNeT++ in mingwenv window has to be changed. The following commands are implemented to configure and install the OMNeT++ packages.
Step: 4 Start OMNeT++ IDE
Simultaneously, the IDE has to be started through typing and executing the below mentioned commands in the mingwenv window.
Step: 5 Recompile Libraries
As the final note, we have to recompile the components based on OMNeT++ along with various optimization using the implementation of the below mentioned commands.
make clean
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