As the matter of fact, our technical experts provide the complete support for the research scholars to develop and implement the research ideas based on digital forensics. Now, let’s start this article with the list of most significant research notions based on digital forensics.
- Customized smart contracts in blockchain
- Biometric and lightweight architecture
- SDN with IaaS cloud forensics
- Refine forensics architecture
- CoC preservation in different types of forensics

Digital Forensics Projects
At this moment, the resource team has defined some research projects in the field of digital forensics through referring the standard research journals.
- Digital forensic investigation based on video evidence analysis & extraction
- Prevention of XSS attack using digital forensic investigation framework
- Impending tool for forensic science using multi photon microscopy based on dental age estimation
- URL consistency features for recognizing phishing attacks in communication networks
- Enhancing cloud environment using new digital forensic readiness technique
- Experimental analysis of triage practices using resource management techniques in digital forensics
- Detection of flooding attack in IoT device using network forensics techniques
- Protection chain of digital forensic with hyperledger composer using blockchain
- Enhancing edge customer electronics in 5G HetNets through deep learning empowered digital forensics
- IoT system based fog digital forensics investigation framework
- Investigation of digital crimes through embedding behavioral evidence analysis using behavioral digital forensics model
- Identifying roots of data scavenging in IoT forensic data analysis using machine learning techniques
- Improve digital forensics using lawful evidence management scheme with blockchain
- IoT digital forensics based blockchain decentralized efficient investigation framework
- Enhancement of forensic investigation architecture using blockchain based hyper ledger sawtooth and secure multimedia chain of protection
- A digital forensics framework with blockchain technology in IoT applications
- Review and analyze cyber-attacks using D4I digital forensics framework
- Enhancing smart home environments with digital forensics framework using Iotdots
- Computational intelligence models to detect fraudulent credit card transactions
- Cyber forensics conversion from deep learning cognitive computing techniques
The research scholars can reach us to acquire a lot about the implementation of research projects in digital forensics.