This is the article which is proposed to tell indispensable fine points about the substantial research project topics in the field of vehicular ad hoc network (VANET). Before getting to know about the implemented research projects in vehicular ad hoc network, we have to know some sample research topics in VANET.
- UAS, UAV and drone based VANET
- Vehicle traffic analysis
- Emergency message dissemination
- Source location privacy
- Service discovery
- Routing and security

Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks VANET Projects
In addition, we have highlighted the some research projects in vehicular ad hoc network.
- An effective and reliable data dissemination solution in VANET based IIoT
- An integrated group key with key agreement scheme & anonymous authentication in VANET
- Prioritized data dissemination in VANET using network coding aware admission control
- Harris hawks optimization for cluster based routing schema in VANET
- Secure outsourced spatial dataset in VANET using reconstruction attack scheme
- An outage probability awareness using power control algorithm in VANET
- Key agreement scheme and anonymous signature based authentication in VANET
- VANET based atomic cross chain swap management system
- Overlapped cluster based scalable routing scheme in vehicular ad hoc networks
- VANET based on secure authentication and key exchange protocol
- An aggregate signature scheme and certificateless based anonymous authentication in VANET
- Cognitive radio vehicular ad hoc networks using spectrum handoff aware AODV routing protocol
- VANET using invalid signatures searching bitwise divisions based algorithm
- VANET based on reliable & effective cluster based data transmission
- Urban vehicular ad hoc networks through road layout based broadcast mechanism
- mmWave based vehicular ad hoc networks using multi-channel allocation
- An enhanced vehicular ad hoc networks using adaptive and optimized control channel utilization
- Location privacy preservation in VANET using multi criteria technique
- Cluster based ad hoc on demand distance vector routing in VNAET for performance enhancement
- An effective VANET environment using anonymous data authentication
Suppose, if you have any issues while implementing projects then just make a call to get clear about vehicular ad hoc network.