Ns3 Projects for B.E/B.Tech M.E/M.Tech PhD Scholars.  Phone-Number:9790238391   E-mail: ns3simulation@gmail.com

Python NS3 Simulator Projects

What is meant by Python?

  • Python is a Programming language that is used to develop many more applications in recent days. It supports multilingual programming languages including object-oriented and functional.
  • In recent days, python is used in current technologies like Machine Learning, Big Data analytics.
  • It is the wise thing to do learning in python for your bright career opportunities.
  • It is a worthy skill to have the right platform to explore and master it.

In this article, you will come to know about the scope and importance of the Python NS3 Language! “Emerging technologies Using Python as its pillar effectively in telecommunication and wireless communication”

   In the following, we discussed the overview of Python in real-time and now we can have an idea on NS3.

Overview of NS3

  • It is the open interconnected network’s simulator as well as discrete event network Simulator.
  • The NS3 tool supports several operating systems like Linux, Cygwin, and BSD. Additionally, it has a collection of C++ libraries.

As of now, we had seen what are python and the overview of the NS3. This short note will help you to understand actually what it is. Now, this is the right time to discuss the major network areas that use python. We are the team with fully trained resources who are performing successful projects on emerging python language. You can have an opinion with our experts to do a good project with an unimaginable perspective.

             The research areas are wide in scope as of now we are going to have an understanding of the current researchable areas using python ns3, in which we can cover a wide range of things.

Research Areas using Python

  • Can Protocol

          The library which is flexible with any environments can be supported by Can protocol as well as it ensures the common abstractions to the appropriate hardware.

 This is all about cellular mobile phone designing and mainly facilitated for simulating the adhoc networks.

  • Long Term Evolution Networks

This is based on 2 criteria they are as below,

  • Pyltesim module      – for the simulation of the LTE
  • PyLTEs Framework – for LTE approaches, protocol models and their mechanisms.
  • Mobile Networking

The automation testing for frameworks can be done like 1.5 range with the end to end test. Generally, in python, the space for networking and the Internet of things can be run on python 3.4 and above.

 We can run a testbed on the wireless networks like an experiment on applications like Wireless Testbed which is based on python

Python is one of the rich programming languages which have taken a place in the market. The utility of python in research areas is vital in general. Several aspects are also facilitated by the python language as they are given below.

Other programming features of python in Networking

  • NMAP – This is the tool that is used for fetching up the details regarding what services actually run on a specific port. This can be used for either legitimate purpose or illegitimate purpose.
  • Socket Programming – This is actually about the matching out the IP addresses of the local area network.
  • Google and Python APIs – Nowadays Google facilitates vast area identification, python helps the Google to locate the geographical areas with the help of some applications.
  • Python package index – Usually software thesaurus are always high in PYPI

As of now, we have seen about the python NS3 tool and its utility in the research areas and other used features in networking. We hope you will have a basic idea of what it is actually. Our team will help you out to meet out your expectation in research areas in python. Without wasting time we will jump into the key terms that are used in the NS3 tool.

Key Components of NS3 for simulation

  • Node / Device  – The devices in the whole network is known as node. For example: Switches, Routers, Workstations (host), Cellular mobiles
  • Network Device / Routers – Network devices are the connectors over the channel to transmit the data from one node to another node.
  • Communication Links – This is the medium of communication according to the network type. For example: if it is a local area network we can use Ethernet as communication channel. If the data packets routed to outside of our network then the Wi-Fi will be the communication channel here.
  • Helper – To configure and form the above mentioned aspects quickly, NS3 tool is build.
  • Applications / Services – This will create or receive the data packets that are transmitted between the nodes.
Python NS3 Research Projects

Steps in Python NS3

  • Monitoring the flow
  • Running out the replication
  • Setting of Wireless Communication
  • Configuration between the channels
  • Formation of the nodes
  • Setting the flexibility
  • Configuration of the applications

              The above-mentioned aspects are done with the help of the NS3 tool in an effective manner. These are the baselines for the python and NS3 tools. Our concern is providing successful projects on Python NS3 for years and as of now. Now we will discuss how the visualization of data is done in NS3.

Visualization of Python in NS3

  • Python is the segment that shows the outcome in an animation mode
    • This is the best recreating tool for visualizations
    • Python visualization can be stated as PyViz
    • This is the tool in which open-source python packets are consisted to work ease with a tiny and huge amount of datasets for visualization
    • Generally PyViz is written in both C++ programs and python as well
    • We can debug where the data packets have been dropped with the help of PyViz

// PyViz Class – This is the helper class used for visualisation purpose only and not for the     simulations.

                   We hope that you will have a clear idea and understanding of what is python NS3, key terms, the scope of python in research areas, and the visualization. Now we can have an idea about the python bindings.

  Python Bindings in NS3

                               C++ codes are supported in NS3 by the Python Edgings. The primary objective of the python edgings is in twin aspects. They are as given below,

  • To permit the program writer to write the thorough simulation scripts in python.
  • Pattern of new routing protocols

PyBindGen is the new tool that is used to develop python bindings in NS3. The edgings in NS3 is the primary goal simultaneously the second goal has been supported as well.

Running of Python scripts

               To find out the path that leads to the NS3 Modules WAF has some options that will indicate python remotely. There is a two-way option that will run the demo programs.

  • Run a WAF Shell – Python mixed wireless.py
  • Pyrun option to run – Pyrun mixed wireless.py

                  We can run Test programs with the help of the above options. This will help us to run effective demo programs. Now we can see the functioning modules with python bindings.

Functioning with Python bindings

Functioning with the python bindings can be classified into 2 categories in NS3.

They are listed below for your understanding.

  • Modular Bindings – it contains the API definitions for the single module and this can be founded in each module’s directory.
  • Monolithic bindings– it contains all the API definitions and these bindings can be located in a single directory.

Association of the Monolithic Python Bindings

       Each Python NS3 module explains its API Definitions and they each have top-level functions numbered in 3. The monolithic python API definitions are associated like the above.

3 Top level functions

  • Def register_function – This function help to register the NS3 functions according to the module.
  • Def register_types – This registry which registers the new types which is defined in the module.
  • Def register_methods –  This function adding out the definition method for each class

                 As of now, we have a debate on python and the NS3 tool’s scope in a wide range. This will give you an understanding of the python concept. And we would like to give you a remark on our experts they will guide through the researches, for queries visit our page. For the time being, we can have a look at creating a module in modular bindings.

 Creation of New Module in Modular Bindings

          Generally, python bindings will not cover the new module that is added they compile with the existing modules. To cover the new module we need to accompany it with bindings.

Python Bindings Workflow

  • Sometimes developers’ uses the GCC-XML based scanning scripts that save the scanned API definitions as bindings/python/ns3_module or in each module’s binding directory
  • Some developers emulate the API scanned descriptions
  • Configuration of NS3 will enable the automated installation of Pybindgen

Generally, the workflow of the Python edgings evolving the above criteria listed. Consider the above-mentioned workflow for effective python edgings. Now, it is time to have an idea about the research themes which are in the current trend. We strongly suggest you have an interaction with our experts to have better perspectives of your theme.

 Possible Research Topics in NS3

  • Automation based Attack Detection in RPL and IoT
  • Control the Wind Form Generation through a double network-based learning
  • Weighted Random RPL for demanding high traffic and energy scenarios
  • Replacement of Automatic model generation via machine learning
  • Performance analysis of mobile Adhoc networks under the impact of black and grey holes

At the end, all of the possible research themes are stated this may help you to understand and will lead you to do projects in current trends according to the real-time. All of our projects showed up unexpected (better) results based on expectation (QoS and QoE) metrics. Feel free to approach us regarding novel ideas, research projects using python ns3, and so on. We are always welcoming you to allow us to serve you!