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Simulate Bluetooth Device

          Actually! Our technical experts are providing the complete research support for the research scholars based on the process of simulating Bluetooth devices through this article.

Step: 1 Download Bluetooth Model Using Ns3

        Initially, we have to download the Bluetooth model using Ns3 over the URL which is highlighted in the following.


Downloading Bluetooth Model Using Ns3

Step: 2 Configure Bluetooth Model Using Ns3

      Following that, we have to configure the Bluetooth model through the execution of below mentioned commands in the terminal.

cd /home/research/ns-allinone-3.26/ns-3.26

sudo ./waf configure

sudo ./waf build

Build Bluetooth Model Using Ns3

Step: 3 Classes to Simulate Bluetooth Device Using Ns3

       To simulate the Bluetooth devices using Ns3, we have to use some of the classes such as,

  • AsciiTraceHelper
  • ApplicationContainer
  • MobilityHelper
  • NetDeviceContainer
  • NodeContainer
  • BleNetDevice
  • BleMacHeader

Step: 4 Simulate Bluetooth Device Using Ns3

         We have to make the simulation to store the main file in the scratch folder with the file extention .cc.

       Then, we have to execute the below mentioned commands in the terminal to simulate the Bluetooth model device NS-3.

cd /home/research/ns-allinone-3.26/ns-3.26

sudo ./waf  –run ble-main  –vis

       Now, you guys can just begin to simulate the Bluetooth devices by your own and hit us through various platforms if assistance required.