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What is the Role of NetAnim in Ns3 Simulator How do I Enable NetAnim

                Through this article, our research professionals have depicted step by step process to run network animator (NetAnim) in the network simulator 3.

Step: 1 NetAnim in Ns3

               In general, netanim is considered as the standalone and Qt4 based software which is implementable through the utilization of the trace file that is generated while the process of ns-3 simulation to depict the topology and animate the packet flow among the nodes.

Step: 2 Enable NetAnim in Ns3

              The packets have to be installed through the implementation of the below mentioned commands to enable the netanim.

cd /home/research/ns-allinone-3.28/netanim-3.107
qmake NetAnim.pro
Installation of Packets to Enable NetAnim in Ns3

             Consequently, the netanim installation in ns3 has to be updated through the execution of the commands that are highlighted in the following.

Process of Updating NetAnim Installation in Ns3

Step: 3 Start NetAnim in Ns3

            At that moment, we have to implement the following commands to start the netanim in ns3.

cd /home/research/ns-allinone-3.28/netanim-3.107
Start NetAnim in Ns3

             At last, you guys can just make a call to us to acquire more research assistances about the significance of netanim in ns3