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List of International Journals for Paper Publication
List of free International Journals for Paper Publication where we help you publish your paper fast. We find a journal that fits your research aims. Connect with us for good guidance on all your reasech work. | Journal Title | ISSN | Subjects |
1. | Climate Dynamics | 9307575 | Atmospheric Science |
2. | Climate Research | 0936577X | Atmospheric Science |
3. | Climatic Change | 1650009 | Atmospheric Science |
4. | Advances in Space Research | 2731177 | Atmospheric Science |
5. | Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans | 3770265 | Atmospheric Science |
6. | Journal of Optical Technology (A Translation of Opticheskii Zhurnal) | 10709762 | Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics |
7. | Journal of Optics (India) | 09728821 09700374 | Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics |
8. | Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer | 224073 | Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics |
9. | Laser and Particle Beams | 2630346 | Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics |
10. | Laser Physics | 1054660X | Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics |
11. | Lasers in Engineering | 8981507 | Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics |
12. | Microwave and Optical Technology Letters | 8952477 | Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics |
13. | Nonlinear Optics Quantum Optics | 15430537 | Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics |
14. | Optica Applicata | 785466 | Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics |
15. | Optical and Quantum Electronics | 3068919 | Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics |
16. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUDIOLOGY | 1499-2027 | Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology |
17. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE & COMMUNICATION DISORDERS | 1368-2822 | Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology |
18. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY | 1754-9507 | Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology |
19. | JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION DISORDERS | 0021-9924 | Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology |
20. | JOURNAL OF FLUENCY DISORDERS | 0094-730X | Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology |
21. | AUTONOMOUS AGENTS AND MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS | 1387-2532 | Automation & Control Systems |
22. | CHEMOMETRICS AND INTELLIGENT LABORATORY SYSTEMS | 0169-7439 | Automation & Control Systems |
23. | CONTROL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED INFORMATICS | 1454-8658 | Automation & Control Systems |
24. | CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE | 0967-0661 | Automation & Control Systems |
25. | DISCRETE EVENT DYNAMIC SYSTEMS-THEORY AND APPLICATIONS | 0924-6703 | Automation & Control Systems |
26. | ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE | 0952-1976 | Automation & Control Systems |
27. | ESAIM-CONTROL OPTIMISATION AND CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS | 1292-8119 | Automation & Control Systems |
28. | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CONTROL | 0947-3580 | Automation & Control Systems |
29. | IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS | 1083-4435 | Automation & Control Systems |
30. | IEEE-CAA JOURNAL OF AUTOMATICA SINICA | 2329-9266 | Automation & Control Systems |
31. | Metal Powder Report | 260657 | Automotive Engineering |
32. | Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering | 16785878 | Automotive Engineering |
33. | International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems | 1744232X | Automotive Engineering |
34. | Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering | 16711637 | Automotive Engineering |
35. | Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems | 15472450 | Automotive Engineering |
36. | ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY | 0003-2697 | Biochemical Research Methods |
37. | ASSAY AND DRUG DEVELOPMENT TECHNOLOGIES | 1540-658X | Biochemical Research Methods |
38. | BIOANALYSIS | 1757-6180 | Biochemical Research Methods |
39. | BIOCHIP JOURNAL | 1976-0280 | Biochemical Research Methods |
40. | BIOCONJUGATE CHEMISTRY | 1043-1802 | Biochemical Research Methods |
41. | BIOINFORMATICS | 1367-4803 | Biochemical Research Methods |
42. | BIOLOGICAL PROCEDURES ONLINE | 1480-9222 | Biochemical Research Methods |
43. | BIOLOGICALS | 1045-1056 | Biochemical Research Methods |
44. | BIOMEDICAL CHROMATOGRAPHY | 0269-3879 | Biochemical Research Methods |
45. | BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS | 2156-7085 | Biochemical Research Methods |
46. | APPLIED ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR SCIENCE | 0168-1591 | Behavioral Sciences |
47. | AUTISM RESEARCH | 1939-3792 | Behavioral Sciences |
48. | BEHAVIORAL AND BRAIN FUNCTIONS | 1744-9081 | Behavioral Sciences |
49. | BEHAVIORAL AND BRAIN SCIENCES | 0140-525X | Behavioral Sciences |
50. | BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY | 1045-2249 | Behavioral Sciences |
51. | BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY AND SOCIOBIOLOGY | 0340-5443 | Behavioral Sciences |
52. | BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE | 0896-4289 | Behavioral Sciences |
53. | BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE | 0735-7044 | Behavioral Sciences |
54. | BEHAVIOR GENETICS | 0001-8244 | Behavioral Sciences |
55. | BEHAVIOUR | 0005-7959 | Behavioral Sciences |
56. | Stress | 10253890 | Behavioral Neuroscience |
57. | Brain, Behavior, and Immunity | 8891591 | Behavioral Neuroscience |
58. | Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior | 913057 | Behavioral Neuroscience |
59. | Genes, Brain and Behavior | 16011848 | Behavioral Neuroscience |
60. | Learning Disability Quarterly | 7319487 | Behavioral Neuroscience |
61. | Methods in Enzymology | 766879 | Biochemistry |
62. | Molecular and Cellular Proteomics | 15359476 | Biochemistry |
63. | Molecular Genetics and Metabolism | 10967192 | Biochemistry |
64. | Nitric Oxide – Biology and Chemistry | 10898603 | Biochemistry |
65. | Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids | 15257770 | Biochemistry |
66. | Peptides | 1969781 | Biochemistry |
67. | Photosynthesis Research | 1668595 | Biochemistry |
68. | Reactive and Functional Polymers | 13815148 | Biochemistry |
69. | Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology | 10826068 | Biochemistry |
70. | Protein and Peptide Letters | 9298665 | Biochemistry |
71. | ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY | 0003-2697 | Biochemistry & Molecular Biology |
72. | ANNUAL REVIEW OF BIOCHEMISTRY | 0066-4154 | Biochemistry & Molecular Biology |
73. | ANTIOXIDANTS | 2076-3921 | Biochemistry & Molecular Biology |
74. | ANTIOXIDANTS & REDOX SIGNALING | 1523-0864 | Biochemistry & Molecular Biology |
75. | APOPTOSIS | 1360-8185 | Biochemistry & Molecular Biology |
76. | APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY | 0273-2289 | Biochemistry & Molecular Biology |
77. | ARCHIVES OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS | 0003-9861 | Biochemistry & Molecular Biology |
78. | ARCHIVES OF INSECT BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY | 0739-4462 | Biochemistry & Molecular Biology |
79. | BIOCATALYSIS AND BIOTRANSFORMATION | 1024-2422 | Biochemistry & Molecular Biology |
80. | BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS | 0006-291X | Biochemistry & Molecular Biology |
81. | Analytical Letters | 32719 | Biochemistry (medical) |
82. | Hemoglobin | 3630269 | Biochemistry (medical) |
83. | Transfusion Clinique et Biologique | 12467820 | Biochemistry (medical) |
84. | Transfusion Medicine Reviews | 8877963 | Biochemistry (medical) |
85. | Hormone and Metabolic Research | 185043 | Biochemistry (medical) |
86. | Biology Bulletin | 10623590 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (all) |
87. | BioSystems | 3032647 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (all) |
88. | Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine | 74888 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (all) |
89. | Bulletin of Mathematical Biology | 928240 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (all) |
90. | Methods | 10462023 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (all) |
91. | Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine | 22211691 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) |
92. | ACS Synthetic Biology |
| Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) |
93. | RSC Metallobiology | 2045547X | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) |
94. | Life Sciences, Society and Policy |
| Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) |
95. | Advanced Science | 21983844 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) |
96. | BIOLOGICAL INVASIONS | 1387-3547 | Biodiversity Conservation |
97. | BIOTA NEOTROPICA | 1676-0603 | Biodiversity Conservation |
98. | BIRD CONSERVATION INTERNATIONAL | 0959-2709 | Biodiversity Conservation |
99. | BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY | 0003-0090 | Biodiversity Conservation |
100. | BULLETIN OF THE PEABODY MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY | 0079-032X | Biodiversity Conservation |
101. | Journal of Biotechnology | 1681656 | Bioengineering |
102. | Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology | 13675435 | Bioengineering |
103. | Journal of Nanobiotechnology | 14773155 | Bioengineering |
104. | Minerva Biotecnologica | 11204826 | Bioengineering |
105. | Molecular Biotechnology | 10736085 | Bioengineering |
106. | Neuropsychobiology | 0302282X | Biological Psychiatry |
107. | Psychiatry Research | 1651781 | Biological Psychiatry |
108. | Psychoneuroendocrinology | 3064530 | Biological Psychiatry |
109. | Psychophysiology | 485772 | Biological Psychiatry |
110. | Psychiatric Genetics | 9558829 | Biological Psychiatry |
111. | BIOLOGIA | 0006-3088 | Biology |
112. | BIOLOGIA FUTURA | 2676-8615 | Biology |
113. | BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN | 0006-3185 | Biology |
114. | BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH | 0716-9760 | Biology |
115. | BIOLOGICAL REVIEWS | 1464-7931 | Biology |
116. | European Cells and Materials | 14732262 | Biomaterials |
117. | Materials Science and Engineering C | 9284931 | Biomaterials |
118. | Cell and Tissue Banking | 13899333 | Biomaterials |
119. | Organic Electronics | 15661199 | Biomaterials |
120. | Technology and Health Care | 9287329 | Biomaterials |
121. | IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering | 15344320 | Biomedical Engineering |
122. | Biochemical Engineering Journal | 1369703X | Biomedical Engineering |
123. | Bioconjugate Chemistry | 10431802 | Biomedical Engineering |
124. | Physiological Measurement | 9673334 | Biomedical Engineering |
125. | Laser Therapy | 8985901 | Biomedical Engineering |
126. | Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics | 16076729 | Biophysics |
127. | European Journal of Histochemistry | 1121760X | Biophysics |
128. | FEBS Letters | 145793 | Biophysics |
129. | Zeitschrift fur Medizinische Physik | 9393889 | Biophysics |
130. | Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics | 3011208 | Biophysics |
131. | Biotecnologia Aplicada | 8644551 | Biotechnology |
132. | Critical Reviews in Biotechnology | 7388551 | Biotechnology |
133. | Current Opinion in Biotechnology | 9581669 | Biotechnology |
134. | Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology | 13892010 | Biotechnology |
135. | Electronic Journal of Biotechnology |
| Biotechnology |
136. | Magazine of Concrete Research | 249831 | Building and Construction |
137. | Materiales de Construccion | 4652746 | Building and Construction |
138. | Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions | 13595997 | Building and Construction |
139. | Stahlbau | 389145 | Building and Construction |
140. | Structural Concrete | 14644177 | Building and Construction |
141. | Journal of Global Information Management | 10627375 | Business and International Management |
142. | Journal of International Management | 10754253 | Business and International Management |
143. | Journal of Management and Governance | 13853457 | Business and International Management |
144. | Journal of Management Studies | 222380 | Business and International Management |
145. | Entrepreneurship and Regional Development | 8985626 | Business and International Management |
146. | Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice | 10185895 | Business, Management and Accounting (all) |
147. | British Journal of Industrial Relations | 71080 | Business, Management and Accounting (all) |
148. | European Journal of Industrial Relations | 9596801 | Business, Management and Accounting (all) |
149. | ACM Transactions on Information Systems | 10468188 | Business, Management and Accounting (all) |
150. | International Journal of Production Economics | 9255273 | Business, Management and Accounting (all) |
151. | Journal of Business Finance and Accounting | 0306686X | Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) |
152. | Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting | 9541314 | Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) |
153. | Transnational Corporations | 10149562 | Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) |
154. | Journal of General Management | 3063070 | Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) |
155. | Journal of Business Economics and Management | 16111699 | Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) |
156. | Recent Results in Cancer Research | 800015 | Cancer Research |
157. | Seminars in Radiation Oncology | 10534296 | Cancer Research |
158. | Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment | 15330346 | Cancer Research |
159. | Tumor Biology | 10104283 | Cancer Research |
160. | Tumori | 3008916 | Cancer Research |
161. | CARDIOVASCULAR TOXICOLOGY | 1530-7905 | Cardiac & Cardiovascular System |
162. | CARDIOVASCULAR ULTRASOUND | 1476-7120 | Cardiac & Cardiovascular System |
163. | CATHETERIZATION AND CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS | 1522-1946 | Cardiac & Cardiovascular System |
164. | CIRCULATION | 0009-7322 | Cardiac & Cardiovascular System |
165. | CIRCULATION-ARRHYTHMIA AND ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY | 1941-3149 | Cardiac & Cardiovascular System |
166. | Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation | 10532498 | Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine |
167. | Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery | 225223 | Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine |
168. | Journal of Vascular Surgery | 7415214 | Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine |
169. | Acta Cardiologica | 15385 | Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine |
170. | Operative Techniques in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery | 15222942 | Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine |
171. | Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews | 13895567 | Catalysis |
172. | Kinetics and Catalysis | 231584 | Catalysis |
173. | Molecular Diversity | 13811991 | Catalysis |
174. | Journal of Molecular Modeling | 16102940 | Catalysis |
175. | Topics in Organometallic Chemistry | 14366002 | Catalysis |
176. | Molecular Reproduction and Development | 1040452X | Cell Biology |
177. | Archives Italiennes de Biologie | 39829 | Cell Biology |
178. | Photosynthesis Research | 1668595 | Cell Biology |
179. | Stem Cells | 10665099 | Cell Biology |
180. | Current Topics in Developmental Biology | 702153 | Cell Biology |
181. | Muscle and Nerve | 0148639X | Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience |
182. | International Review of Neurobiology | 747742 | Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience |
183. | Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy | 8910618 | Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience |
184. | Journal of Computational Neuroscience | 9295313 | Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience |
185. | Journal of Molecular Neuroscience | 8958696 | Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience |
186. | Materials at High Temperatures | 9603409 | Ceramics and Composites |
187. | Integrated Ferroelectrics | 10584587 | Ceramics and Composites |
188. | Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy | 8327823 | Ceramics and Composites |
189. | Advanced Composite Materials | 9243046 | Ceramics and Composites |
190. | Applied Composite Materials | 0929189X | Ceramics and Composites |
191. | Advances in Polymer Technology | 7306679 | Chemical Engineering (all) |
192. | Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan | 219592 | Chemical Engineering (all) |
193. | Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries | 9504230 | Chemical Engineering (all) |
194. | Journal of Polymer Engineering | 3346447 | Chemical Engineering (all) |
195. | Kagaku Kogaku Ronbunshu | 0386216X | Chemical Engineering (all) |
196. | Chemical and Process Engineering – Inzynieria Chemiczna i Procesowa | 2086425 | Chemistry (all) |
197. | Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Seriya Khimiya i Khimicheskaya Tekhnologiya | 5792991 | Chemistry (all) |
198. | Journal of Applied Polymer Science | 218995 | Chemistry (all) |
199. | Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan | 219592 | Chemistry (all) |
200. | Kagaku Kogaku Ronbunshu | 0386216X | Chemistry (all) |