Introduction about Wireless Simulation: In Earlier days, mostly we use wireless technologies which makes our life comfortable. In fact, without wireless technology, we move our life is very difficult. So, knowledge about this kind of wireless technology is mandatory. Now is a time to gain knowledge about wireless technology and its simulation process. Let’s start,
“This article contains the entire concept about wireless simulation, tools which are used in Wireless technology and advantages also”
Wireless simulator is a collection of requirements and more number of sensors that are configured by own. Because increase the need for networks and embedded systems want low power devices and fine-grained meters are important for living in this environment that’s why wireless simulation is preferred.
Reasons for using wireless simulation
- If we need to study Wireless Sensor Networks it is necessary to know the simulation process.
- Simulation is the basic need to develop a simulator and Wireless security networks.
- This simulation has some basics and easy ways to test the newly created protocols and applications.
- Simulation is important to evaluate a large number of schemes, protocols, and new ideas.
- Based on some parameters users can separate based on various factors is possible by using simulation.
These are some reasons for using wireless simulation. The other point of wireless is widely used for the communication purpose by Wi-Fi technology without Wi-Fi the sharing of information sharing of information’s is complex. Then we will discuss the basic concepts in wireless simulator.
Types of simulation
Here, we consider three types of simulation. There are,
- Discrete Event Simulation
- Monte Carlo Simulation
- Trace-Driven Simulation
From the above types, discrete event simulation and Trace-driven Simulation are mostly used in wireless. So we will see these two kinds of simulation in a detailed manner.
Trace-Driven Simulator
- This simulation is mainly used for real systems.
- The output of the simulation process is more credible.
- This kind of simulation provides various services.
- It supports a workload at more accurate.
- This kind of information collection is useful for a study about Simulation models.
- Limitations
- In this simulation input value of the simulation is also constant
- This simulation wants suspicious representativeness.
- The complexity of the simulation process is high because of high-level information.
- Due to this complexity, it has the chance to change the workload.
Discrete-Event Simulator
This simulation is used to simulate multiple jobs at a time in various sensor nodes. So this kind of simulation is mainly used in wireless technology.
- The case of adding new entities and deleting old entities is possible in this simulator by providing dynamic memory management.
- It also handles the list of pending events by the simulation of routines.
- A discrete event Simulator contains more components.
- This simulation has some routines. There are,
- Trace routines
- Input routines
- Initial routines
- Output routines
- The global variable of this simulation process depends on the simulation time and scheduler prediction time and also the system state description.
This Discrete-event simulator has the main advantage that is debugger breakpoints use of these points are we can able to check the program line by line without disturbing the operation of the program. The above two simulations are most widely used in the wireless network. Then we move on to the next topic which is tools used in the wireless simulation. In this section we will see important two tools there are OMNeT++, EmStar, and their merits and demerits also.
Overview of Wireless Simulation Tools
This is a framework for discrete event Simulators and which is based on object-oriented programming language the codes are written by using a C++ programming language. This tool gives two kinds of licenses one is a commercial license and another one is a non-commercial license.
- A commercial license is a useful for-profit environment and a non-commercial license is for non-profit research institutes and academic institutes.
- OMNeT++ is open source software it can be accessed by everyone.
- It can be able to use wired networks and wireless networks also.
- This tool is specially made for Non-Specific network simulators.
- This simulator is supported in UNIX operating system, Linux operating system, and windows OS also.
Advantages and disadvantages of OMNeT++
- In the wireless simulation, this simulator gives support for both localized protocols and the Media Access Control protocol.
- Debugging and Tracking is easy when compared to other simulators because of their GUI.
- OMNeT++ framework gives high mobility.
- Initial level OMNeT++ does not give its support for library functions.
It’s another Simulation tool that is performed under Wireless Simulation. This kind of operating system is mainly built for wireless sensor network operation and is written by the structure of the C programming language.
- Linux operating system is used to run this kind of emulator.
- It also provides support for Trace-Driven Simulator to run real-time applications.
- It is useful for constructing a wireless simulation application with better hardware sensors.
- Services, tools, and libraries are extended with Linux microkernel.
Advantages and disadvantages of EmStar
- Software reusability is possible because every user can run separately in EmStar.
- Easy to interconnect the service and having also standard interfaces.
- Easy to evaluate and debugging of notes.
- Users can change the sensor during the simulation process and deployment process because of the flexible environment.
- It is used to address a mitigate fault. So it has robustness.
The above two tools are frequently used tools in wireless network. For building a better simulator and simulation process these two tools are very important. Then the final topic is the application of wireless network.
Application of Wireless Simulation
Here, we consider some applications. There are,
- Structural monitoring
- Data logging
- Air pollution monitoring
- Water or Wastewater monitoring
- Tracking and passive localization
- Greenhouse monitoring.
Structural monitoring
This is one of the applications in wireless simulation. The main purpose of this application is to monitor the movements with the use of sensors between infrastructure and buildings for example tunnels, bridges, embankments, flyovers, etc.
- The wanted data is gathered weekly once or monthly. Physical site visits are used to collect the data. In some construction, areas are near rail or rode these kinds of data also collected accurately.
- These applications have more advantages link monitoring the entire construction without spending more cost and also enable the engineering practice.
Data logging
This application is useful to collect the information in the environment and keep monitoring it. Nuclear power plants, monitoring water levels, and monitoring fridge temperature is some examples of this kind of application.
- From the collected statistical information the working of the system is evaluated and the main purpose of this application is a conventional logger that is the giving live data update to the system.
Air Pollution monitoring
The purpose of this application is to monitor the environmental gases in the air. In urban areas, this application is widely used to monitor and control dangerous gas. This air pollution monitoring system is very useful for every citizen to analyze the gas level in the environment.
- This application follows some architecture that is number data mining process and more data analytics can be used.
- It acts as an ad hoc wireless link this is found by reading tests in different areas from different mobiles.
Water or Wastewater Monitoring
- Many industries used this application for monitoring the wastewater level. Using wireless simulation is giving the best solution for them.
- Here, there is no need for wires to transfer the data. But monitoring by the wireless input-output devices.
- Using the battery pack and solar panel also reduces the pollution level.
Tracking and Passive localization
- This is another application of wireless simulations and is used to track the targets which non-cooperative. It is also providing a low cost and pervasive of the technology.
- The wireless links are created by using the interconnected infrastructure that is meshed wireless sensor networks.
Green House Monitoring
- This application is used to control the humidity level and temperature in the greenhouse.
- If the temperature is decreased from their average humidity level this application insists on notification through text message or emails otherwise it will automatically open windows or switch on the fans and more activities.
We hope this article is very useful for improving your knowledge about wireless simulation. We have more number developing and developed projects based on wireless technology and other topics also. For further more information kindly contact us.