The network components based on Ns3 simulator are enhanced through the classes based on the option based fashion. The simulator is supportive for the class based on the hierarchy in C++ and it is parallel to the hierarchy in OTcl. The users are creating the novel simulator objects over the OTcl interpreter. The Ns2 is considered as the provision of simulation support based on multicast protocols, queuing algorithms, routing algorithms and simulation in TCP through both the wireless and wired networks.
802.11 MAC
- Local variables
- pktRTS_
- pktCtrl_
- pktRx_(inherited from Mac class):
- pktTx_ (inherited from Mac class):
- Basic functions
- recvDATA().
- It is deployed to point the upper layer in DATA MAC frame
- sendDATA().
- It is used to compose the fame based on DATA MAC and that sets the pktTx_
- send():
- It is used when the packets are sending down and callback is considered as the parameter. sendDATA(p) is considered as the generation of appropriate mac_header packet
- recv():
- It is functional as the MAC class that is overridden and it is considered as the incoming packet in both the upper layer and physical layer
- State machine
- The two states such as rx_state and tx_state are considered as the members of variables and it is not capable to receive and transmit the parallel time and the below mentioned are considered as the possible states
- Other IEEE 802.11 features
- Virtual carrier sense
- The process includes most significant phase in the code such as CTS and RTS with some functions including retransmitRTS and sendRTS
- Carrier sense
- It is functional through the physical layer source code with the state of 802.11 MAC and that is controlled through the timers including Backoff_timer
DSR in Ns3
Hereby, our research professionals have enlisted the significance of entry points in the DSR agent.
- Initially, it is normal to recv() functions that are characterized as the packets that are addressed with the predetermined process in nodes and the upper target
- tap(). is considered as the hidden entry to turn the promiscuous with the snooping process to shorten and route the path
- xmitFailed(). is the callback process which is meant for the MAC transmission fails related to the route error message generation
Consequently, the most essential data about the DSR signaling packets in with all the required data are highlighted in the following.
- route-error
- It is unicasting both the layer 2 and 3 with the creation of tx_failure in lower layer
- route-request
- It is considered as the packet with 3 layers including MAC_Broadcast and unique destination address
- route-reply
- It is unicasting both the layer 2 and 3
DSDV in Ns3
The routing protocols based in the routing messages are switched with the exchange along mobile nodes and flooding routing updates which are trigged. In case routing information, the updates that are triggered over the neighbor forces are capable to alter the routing table. In addition, the packets are route with the destination of cached number of routing entry with routing table. It includes the maximum number of buffering size that is caching the packet waiting process in routing information over the drop of pkts.
It includes the route advertisement messages that are novel for all the routes with the three data process such as
- Sequence number
- Destination address
- Metric
The above mentioned data are originally stamped through the process of destination with the requirements. The packets are destined with the mobile nodes for the direct route that is addressed with the dmux towards the port dmux. The port includes the hand with some packets with the representation of destination agents along with that the port number 255 deployed as the routing agent based on mobile nodes.
Wireless Network Setup
The wireless network which is created using Ns3 for the utilization of elements in mobile nodes and configuration in all the years. Generally, the nodes are used as the deterministic process of flat grid network space with the mobility model and nodes are generated with some integration process based on simulation
In simulation, the mobility model is created and integrated with simulation. The data communication among the nodes is configured through the agents in layers such as application and transport with the requirement of attachment with the receiver and sender nodes. Various types of wireless networks are considered as the simulated subjects with the particular protocol configurations and specifications. In addition, the wireless networks includes
- Heterogeneous network
- Cellular network
- Wireless Mesh Network
- Cognitive Radio Network (CRN)
- Cognitive Radio Network (CRN)
- Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)
- Vehicular ad hoc Network (VANET)
- Mobile ad hoc Network (MANET)
Protocols and Configuration Parameters
The process of physical layer enables the configuration of channel, channel fading, error model, signal propagation model, antenna type and interface schemes. The process includes various layers and they are listed in the following.
- Application layer protocols
- Video
- RealAudio
- Pareto
- Exponential
- Transport layer protocols
- LossMonitor
- Network layer protocols
- MAC layer protocols
- IEEE 802.11p
- IEEE 802.11
- IEEE 802.15.4
- Interface Queues
- CMU priority queue
- Priority queue
- Drop tail
The process of application layer agents includes the options such as start and stop of time transmission, data transmission interval, data rate and packet size. The node ability model is created through the specifications of target speed and location. The node is configured with various communication ranges. The energy model is created through some particular process such as idle, sleep power, reception, transmission and initial energy of nodes. The error model is generated with the random pocket loss rate for the simulation of network fading and interference.
Wireless Network Scenarios
Several wireless network scenarios are functional in this process as the link failure by the reason of attacks, congestion and mobility. In addition, they are created through the variations among the simulation period along with the determined event simulation capability of network simulator.
Dissertation Topics in Network Simulation Using Ns3
- Optimal resource allocation in multi hop wireless networks relying on energy harvesting
- Resource allocation for open loop ultra-reliable and low latency uplink communications in vehicular networks
- Robust virtual network function allocation in service function chains with uncertain availability schedule
- Resource allocation for energy efficient NOMA system in coordinated multi-point networks
- Resource allocation for open loop ultra-reliable and low latency uplink communications in vehicular networks
Through this article we have given you a very broad picture about selection process of dissertation topics in the network simulation using Ns3 where you can find the complete information regarding the significance of Ns3, its utilization, advantages, latest research topics and etc. In addition, reach us to fulfill all your research requirements with the best innovations and novel executions with the support of our research experts.