Are you guys struggling to find the appropriate research topic to develop your dissertation in wireless communication? Then, you people are at the right platform because our technical peer groups have highlighted the innovative research topics in the field of wireless communication.
- AI based resource allocation
- Small satellite constellations in 5G / B5G
- Energy efficient cell sectorization
- Multi path parallel multimedia routing
- Self-blockage aware beamforming

Latest Wireless Communication Projects
The sample research projects in wireless communication have been highlighted by research experts in the following.
- Deep neural network and location fingerprint algorithm for wireless communication indoor positioning method in 5G sub station
- Image steganography with generative adversarial networks for secure communication through wireless sensor network
- Monitoring power station based appropriate eavesdropping of wireless powered suspicious communication networks
- GA-SVM in chaotic baseband wireless communication system for direct symbol decoding
- Eavesdropper based dual unmanned aerial vehicles for securing wireless relaying communication
- Intelligent reflecting surfaces based optimized scheme for energy efficient wireless communication
- Robust path reliability and link sustainability aware routing in wireless communication using source routing protocol
- Deep reinforcement learning based wireless networks through improved communication resource allocation technique
- Secret spreading codes and artificial interference for defending wireless communication against eavesdropping attacks
- Time series prediction in wireless communication via deep multi task learning model
- AI assisted IoT based FinTech application for wireless communication based cloud network architecture
- An adaptive cruise control considering wireless communication delay using local traffic characteristic based dynamic gains tuning algorithm
- Security improvement in real-time wireless communication through intelligent based ensemble deep learning model
- Laser sensor and wireless serial port communication for precision seeding parameter monitoring system
- Chaotic baseband wireless communication for echo state network based symbol detection
- IoT based wireless communication mechanism optimization for real time auxiliary data mining method
- Deep learning techniques & multispectral image analysis for monitoring IoT based wireless communication using secure locations protocol and classification
- An asymmetric 3D micro strip antennas with on body wireless communication & energy harvesting using standalone stretchable RF systems
- Clustering with routing in wireless communication using differential optimization algorithm and pseudolite auxiliary positioning
- Solid liquid solid interaction and water based tri bioelectric nano generator for wireless energy transmission and self-powered communication
If you people have any queries, then you guys can reach us at any time to clarify your doubts with the guidance of our research experts.