First of all, this is the one of best questions from what the beginner are asking frequently. Through this article our research professionals have answered this question with all the required information.
Stage: I
At the start, we have to download the ns3 packages over the below mentioned URL.

Stage: II
In the next process, we have to change the ns-3 directory through the utilization of the below mentioned command.
cd ns-allinone-3.37/ns-3.37
Then, the packages based on ns-3.37 are installed through the execution of the following commands.
sudo ./waf build

Stage: III
At this point, we have to implement the below mentioned command to start and execute the simulation file.
sudo ./waf –run MainFile –vis

On the other hand, it is not the end of our research assistance and you can contact us to aid more essentials about this process.