Ns3 Projects for B.E/B.Tech M.E/M.Tech PhD Scholars.  Phone-Number:9790238391   E-mail: ns3simulation@gmail.com

How do I Run ns3 on Windows 10

           In general, running network simulator 3 in windows 10 is not considered as the complex task. So, the research scholars can execute that through following all the steps that are highlighted in this article.

Step: 1 Download Cygwin

         To begin with, we have to download the Cygwin setup files for windows 10 OS based system through the utilization of the following URL.


Downloading Cygwin

Step: 2 Install Ns-Allinone-3.26

            As the subsequent process, we have to install the ns-allinone-3.26 in windows 10 along with Cygwin through the execution of the below mentioned commands in the terminal window.

cd ns-allinone-3.26

./build.py —enable-examples –enable-tests

Installation of Ns-3.26

Step: 3 Run Ns3 Main File

           Finally, we have to run the network simulator 3 simulation process while implanting the following commands.

sudo ./waf –run Main –vis

Execution of Ns3 Main File

           To this end, we have provided the required information to run network simulator 3 in windows 10. If you guys have doubts you can get back to us through any of the medium.