Let’s get to know about the processes that are involved in running ns3 simulator along with the guidance of our technical experts.
As the initial process, we have to download the network simulator 3 packages through the URL that is mentioned below.

Consequently, we have to implement the commands are highlighted below to install the packages based on network simulator 3.
cd /home/research/ns-allinone-3.27
sudo ./build.py

Following that, we have to configure the installed ns3 packages through executing the commands that are highlighted below.
cd /home/research/ns-allinone-3.27/ns-3.27
sudo ./waf configure

Finally, the commands that are highlighted below are implemented and deployed to run the ns3 packages and we have highlighted its results too and it’s about the execution of the waf command.
sudo ./waf

If you guys face any difficulties, feel free to contact us and we will clarify all your issues!!!