First and foremost, simulating ns3 program is considered as the easy task and this article is considered as the representation of step by step process of Ns3 program simulation.
Phase: I
Initially, we have to create the ns3 simulation program and that is stored in the scratch folder.

Phase: II
Consequently, we have to configure the program based on network simulator 3 through the implementation of the below mentioned commands.
cd /home/research/ns-allinone-3.28/ns-3.28
sudo ./waf configure

Phase: III
Following that we have to simulate the ns3 program through the implementation of the following commands.
cd /home/research/ns-allinone-3.28/ns-3.28
sudo ./waf --run NS3_Simulation_Program --vis

We hope that we have provided the required data about the simulation of Ns3 program, if you guys have any issues you can ping us.