We have depicted this article as the reference to install network simulator 2 in Ubuntu 22.04.
Download Ns2 in Ubuntu
As the first process, we have to download the packages based on network simulator 2 in Ubuntu 22.04 from online and paste the downloaded packages folder in Ubuntu 22.04 home location.
Then, we have to execute the below mentioned commands to change the Ns allinone 2.35 location in the Ubuntu 22.04 terminal window.
cd ns-allinone-2.35

Installation of Ns2 in Ubuntu
For the installation of Ns2 packages in Ubuntu, we have to execute the below mentioned commands in the Ubuntu 20.04 terminal.
sudo ./install

Execution of Ns2 in Ubuntu 22.04
While completing the process of Ns2 installation in Ubuntu 22.04, we have to create the network simulation and store that in the workspace location to implement the below mentioned commands for the simulation execution.
cd /home/research/Desktop/NS2_Simulation_Workspace
sudo ./ns Main.tcl

Finally, we have highlighted the result which is acquired through the execution of Ns2 simulation.

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