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Is Ns-3 Installation Easy in Linux

           Of course, the installation of ns-3 in linux is considered as the simple process and the all the beginners can also install through following the required steps. For your reference, we have enlisted the essential steps in the following.

Phase: I

          Firstly, we have to implement the following commands to install the required libraries in ns-allinone-3.36.

apt install g++ python3 cmake ninja-build git

apt install g++ python3

apt install g++ python2

Phase: II

         As the next process, we have to download ns-3 packages from the ns-3 server through the utilization of the following URL.


Download Ns3 Packages

Phase: III

          Then, we have to install the ns-allinone-3.33 in linux for that we have to change the location and implement the below mentioned commands.

cd  /home/research/ns-allinone-3.26/ns-3.26

sudo ./build.py

Installation of Ns-3

Phase: IV

          After completing the installation process, we have to configure the installed packages of ns-allinone-3.33 over the execution of the following commands and changing the location.

cd ns-3.33

sudo ./waf configure

Configuration of Ns3

           Our research professionals have years of experience in this field, so you guys can reach us to acquire more research knowledge.