Let’s get to know about the significance of LTE network simulator in network simulator 3 and OMNeT++ with the assistance of our research experts.
LTE Network Simulator List
Initially, let’s take a glance over the list of network simulators that are functional in LTE simulation.
- Cooja
- NS-3
- OMNeT++
Create LTE Simulation using Ns3
To create LTE simulation using Ns3, we have to create and store the simulation main file in scratch folder along with the LTE module configuration.

In addition, we have to implement the simulation file through the execution of below mentioned commands.
cd /home/research/ns-allinone-3.26/ns-3.26/src
sudo ./waf –run Main
cd /home/research/ns-allinone-3.26/netanim-3.107

Create LTE Simulation Using OMNeT++
We have to import the SimuLte packages in workspace and create the LTE configure based simulation and right click on the project name to select and run the OMNeT++ simulation.

If you are looking for the best assistance based on the appropriate LTE network simulation implementation in ns3 and OMNeT++ then you guys can reach us.