In our modern technology, creating the interaction over the billions of devices is simple through the network. It lights up the way to study the information from interrelated things around the environment. Our experts assist you in smartening up and progressing your networking skillset, staying on top of the latest trends in your research network projects to elevate your career.
In early times, conventional networks can only connect devices, but now any kind of smart device can be integrated through wireless protocol or interfaces. In fact, Networking is a vast field that supports numerous heterogonous networks but most probably relies on two prime classes as LANs and WANs. For more knowledge, here we have pointed out the working process of the Wireless sensor network from the frequently asked question.
How Wireless Networking Works?
- In the case of extreme atmospheric conditions, 30 GHz – 1 GHz frequencies are used which has less impact than microwave. And, it can pass over through buildings yet affects by multipath interference in extended distances
- In restricted area, 300 GHz – 200 THz frequencies are used to support line-of-sight communication. However, IR has no reflection on light colored surface and no penetration on walls
- In widespread wireless intelligence, electromagnetic waves are used most likely in all network communication in regardless of wavelength/frequency which contains part of electromagnetic spectrum
- In both satellite and terrestrial network, 2GHz – 40GHz frequencies are used. Due to some sudden weather conditions like rain or fog, the microwave may get collapsed by signal degradation.
Our supreme PhD experts have 15+ years of experience in handling different kinds of Network Projects. We have guided numerous PhD intellectuals in an organized way through our practice and made them shine in their career.
Research Topics in Network Projects
- Research Topic: Multi-user MIMO Wireless Communication
- Goal: Increasing the Channel Utilization
- Algorithm Used: LSTM based Deep Q-Network
- Research Topic: Gaussian Interference Channel (IC) and Multi-cell Interfering Multiple Access Channel (IMAC)
- Goal: Maximizing the Throughput through Optimal Power Allocation
- Algorithm Used: Deep Neural Network (DNN)
- Research Topic: LTE assisted Traffic Estimation
- Goal: Traffic Congestion Prediction
- Algorithm Used: Hybrid Deep Learning (LSTM based Auto-encoder)
- Research Topic: Energy EfficientCloud Radio Access Network
- Goal: Reducing the Energy or Power Utilization
- Algorithm Used: Deep Q-Learning
- Research Topic: LTE basedUnlicensed Spectrum Allotment and Utilization
- Goal: Increasing the Allocation of LTE-U’s Airtime
- Algorithm Used: LSTM in Reinforcement Learning
What is OSI Model?
The OSI model plays an inseparable role in the networking field that specifies the networking system functionalities. And, it turns out to be a guidance tool to develop any network model. Even in the layer also, one can identify their novel research concepts.
Our resource team has acquired the plentiful Network Projects ideas for scholars to startup their research profession in the field of Networking.
Research Ideas in Network OSI Layers
Upper Layers
- Quantized Measurement based Compressed Sensing
- Resource Management of Operating System (OS)
- Multi-Session Scheduling Algorithms and Strategies
Data Link Layer
- Learning based Traffic Prediction
- Link Quality Analysis and Estimation
- Channel Resource Accessibility and Distribution
Physical Layer
- Multi-Signal Detection and Analysis
- Neural Network based Auto Modulation Classification
- Jamming Attacks and Anti-Jamming Solutions
- Error Detection and Correction Codes
- Alignment-free Sequence and Inference Management
Network Layer
- Routing Optimization Model
- Improved Routing Establishment
Though the networking field is approaching advancements since several matters are not answered yet. So, it has become a boon for scholars to create thought-provoking Network projects. Our experts are currently researching popular wireless networks areas such as SDN, Cognitive radio network, UWN, UAV, edge-fog computing, etc.
Ultimately, we lend the helping hands to scholars who are on the hunt for new research directions. For any research challenge, we are sure to provide the following,
- Background Information
- Motivation and Future Scope
- Problem with Suitable Solutions
- Comparative Study
- Experimental Results
Our technical developers assure to offer 100% guarantee of harvesting Precise Network Projects results sincewireless networks are compressed with tricky features as TCP congestion, queuing state, signal characteristics, channel quality, etc.
As well as, some of the network control create major influences on the communication
performances as traffic offloading, resource sharing, queue management, etc.

- Scale
- Delay
- Mobility Aspects
- Application Scenarios
- Protocol Type
- Data Distribution
- Density of Network (Size)
- Mathematical Analysis (Numerical)
- Scheduling of Resource
- Simulation Environs and Technologies
- Other Dynamics (Data Rate, Time and Packet Size)
These are the fundamental metrics of network performance evaluation that we handle in all networking processing. Our techies focus on achieving an absolute outcome and evaluate all possible network projects parameters based on the client and proposal requirements. As a result, we accomplish accurate and efficient network performance. Therefore, make use of this wonderful chance to brighten up your research journey through our specialists’ delightful network thesis ideas and research guidelines.