Overview of network routing simulation
The network simulation is a simulation process that can be applied over the network routing path. In general, the simulation process is used for research. It is mainly used to calculate the transmission occurring between the individual networks or nodes, where the packet transmission happens. Most probably the simulators used for individual event simulation i.e. the difference in variables changing at a point of time.
“This article is highly focused on the process of network routing simulation and its key elements, real-time applications and through this article, we provide you the best simulation tools and our experience in tool implementation and the possible project titles in network simulation.”
The function of routing simulation is to detect changes in the network and the applications used in that. While conducting this as research, the detected changes would be monitored in a test lab, and then with the help of the network protocols and modules, the networking environment and its different qualities will be altered in a controlling manner to test the performance of the network in various scenarios.
Advantages of network routing simulation
- To test the activities of the network in different scenarios or operating conditions
- Testing network performance in routing with the help of simulation outcomes
- Identifying effective issues in networks and analyzing the reason
- Resolving issues in deploying packets
Network routing has the capacity of particularizing the route of nodes involved for data transmission and simulating the performance by assuming the issues by animation and simulating failures in any type of network devices and analyze the animated plots to resolve the network traffic that slows the performance. Here are the modules that are used in the routing simulation.
Important modules in network routing
In the case of modules, we applied three fresh modules over the various network performances. Among those modules, we provide you with the module we implemented on the NS2 platform to assess the SoR agent, which is both a packet container and packet analyzer. In this process, the SoR agent interrelates the physical and application layer in the NS2 module and the SoR enables it with an extra function that can maintain the user data by ascribes it with an IP packet. Here we want to provide you with outlining steps of the communication among TCP and IP-based modules.
- Receiving the incoming communication through the Net device
- Communication passing through IPV4Routing Protocol
- Transporting protocols using Unicast or Multicast Forward call back
- Creating application sockets for future work by using the user and kernel space
Other than the IPV4RoutingProtocol, the other protocols are AODV, DSR, DSDV, and the following lists are the important elements in IPV4 Routing Protocol in the route input and output.
- Ipv4ListRouting
- Ipv4StaticRouting
- Ipv4GlobalRouting
- Ipv4ClickRouting
- Ipv4LinuxRouting
These are the functions and the key elements of the network routing simulation protocols and now we provide you the plugins of the network routing and its purpose as follows.
Notable plugins and their purposes
TOR (The Onion Routing): is a kind of network that is anonymous and it has become a trend by its attractive features of simplicity and scalability. So, researchers and clients are marching towards this type of networking nowadays. Though it is a distributed network, its typical security makes them get difficult to analyze the performance of the TOR by applying it on the live TOR network.
Through this article, we solve this by configuring a small-scale virtual computer network with the help of shadow plugin TOR inside a host and measuring the act of TOR in several measurements by generating the TOR within the host. It is possible because the shadow plugin-TOR can be used to build a structure of client-server by using the TOR network. In this process, different types of clients and relays will be set to test the TOR network. Let’s have a look at integrated tools in network routing simulation.
Important classes in network routing
- NS3- DuplicatePacketDetection
- Ns3- Neighbors
- Ns3- RoutingTableEntry
- OMNet++ – MPLS
The above classes are implemented mostly in the network simulation to perform the routing and detection process for the relevant actions of each class in packet handlings.
Important tools for network routing
OMNeT++ is an important integrated tool because of its functions of
- Queuing the network simulations
- Simulating system architecture
Apart from the OMNeT++, the above application features are maintained by Castalia, MiXiM, INET/INET MANET Simulation, etc. these are the different computer models and structures. Besides, we provide you with the combination of integrating Wireshark with Mininet as displayed below.
Important Programming languages
- NS3 – c++
- NS2 – c++ tcl script
- OMNeT++ – c++, network files
The above programming languages are the significant scripts for the respective simulation tools. As the programming languages are important for the simulation process, so the OS is to implement the relevant action. Hence we give you the list of OS for routing simulation.
Notable OS supporting routing
- contiki cooja simulator
- windows -7 32 bit
- ubuntu-14.04
The above-mentioned OS is the most appropriate operating system software for performing the routing simulation. Let’s discuss the apt versions of network simulation along with its versions.
Remarkable tools versions
- OMNeT++ – 4.6
- NS-2.35
- NS-3.26
- Cooja Simulator
Along with the provided tools that support the routing simulation, we provide you with the important protocols and their types used to implement in the relevant process as listed below. Thus we provide you with the devices of the Dynamic routing protocol.
Protocols involved in network routing
- IGP (Interior Gateway Protocol)
- Distance vector (RIPv1, RIPv2 & IGRP, EIGRP)
- Link-state (IS-IS, OSPF)
- EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol)
- Path-vector
- Border Gateway Protocol
The above are the most significant types of protocols used in the process of network simulation. Here our developer suggests some finest subjects used in the routing simulation as listed below.
Noteworthy subjects of network routing
- Cognitive radio network
- Software Defined Networking
- Underwater sensor network
The above-mentioned subjects are our sample domains where we used to implement the simulation tools for research. We are still having many subjects in our minds to implement the tools to obtain good results. Besides, we provide you with the list of metrics as listed below.
Result analysis of network routing simulation
- Delay: it is used to calculate the transmission speed of the entire packet sending taken by a network. And it is measured in terms of second and Millisecond.
- Latency: it calculates the traveling time of packet from the initial bit to transfer from the transmitter, and the unit is the same as Delay.
- Throughput: measures the quantity of data transferred completely from source to the destination in a given time. The unit of measurement is, bps, kbps, Mbps, Gbps, etc.
- PDR: it is used to calculate the total amount of packets received successfully and it measures the packets in terms as same as the throughput.
- Apart from the above metrics, the QoS having two types of parameters as listed below.
- Probabilistic
- Hard real-time (MGR, PRTR, MCMP, MIMO, QBR, etc.)
- Soft real-time (MMSPEED, SPEED, QEMPAR, ECMP, QoSR, etc.)
- Deterministic
- Hard real-time (Mobicast, SWSP, QRPWMSN, SAR)
- Soft real-time (GRAB, DGR, PT, EEQR, QEMH)
The above list represents the major types of QoS routing protocols used on wireless multimedia sensor networks and their various types of protocols. Here are our suggested subject wise modules for routing simulation
Major subject-wise modules in network routing simulation
- ns2 – Dijkstra
- Cooja – ipv6
- ns3 – ipv4-nix-vector-routing
- ns3 – mpi
The above subject-wise modules given for each simulator are supposed to perform the network functions based on the modules. As the modules are important for application in the simulation process, for instance, we provide you the major syntax used in NS3, for RREQ transmission for routing simulation process in AODV.
Main syntax in routing
RoutingProtocol::RecvRequest (Ptr<Packet> p, Ipv4Address receiver, Ipv4Address src)
RreqHeader rreqHeader;
p->RemoveHeader (rreqHeader);
// A node ignores all RREQs received from any node in its blacklist
RoutingTableEntry toPrev;
if (m_routingTable.LookupRoute (src, toPrev))
if (toPrev.IsUnidirectional ())
NS_LOG_DEBUG (“Ignoring RREQ from node in blacklist”);
Important Applications in network routing simulation
With the help of network routing simulation, we can implement the simulation in the following process,
- video transmission
- real-time routing
- VoIP
- p2p
Some of the above applications are real-time applications, and we are still researching more applications to be researched and they are identified as “research Gaps or Issues” by our research team. At this point, we provide you with the algorithms of the network routing simulator.
Major algorithms used in network routing simulator
- Distance vector
- Link-state vector
- Path to vector
Besides, there are some other algorithms are available as
- Bees algorithm
- Cultural algorithm
- SCH Evolutionary algorithm
- Interior Point algorithm
- Sequential Quadric programming
- Simulated Annealing
- Constrained Simplex method
- Shuffled complex Evolution
- Particle Swarm Pattern Search
- Constrained Particle Swarm Optimization
- Pattern search
- MATLAB Particle Swarm Optimization
- Non-linear Optimizationwith Mesh Adaptive Direct Search
- Levenberg- Marquardt
- Improved Stochastic Ranking Evolution Strategy
- Harmony Search
- Genetic Algorithm
- Firefly algorithm
- Enhanced Scatter search
- Controlled random search with local mutation
- Evolution Strategy with Covariance Matrix Adaptation
- Biogeography Based Optimization
- Active-set Optimization
In addition to the above list of algorithms, we suggest you some areas, where you can implement the network simulation as well as in the research domain as mentioned in the following part.
Research areas in network routing
- Routed encryption and decryption in data transmission
- Process of routing and scheduling based on importance
- Trust value-based process of secure routing
The above-mentioned areas are the most common ground of implementation for the routing simulation. Mostly this area involves ensuring network security. In addition to the areas, we provide you with the major process in the routing simulation.
Major process in network routing simulation
- Interface Packets arriving.
- Router searches for the match to transmit the packet
- If it matches with the interface, the router forwards the packet to the host on the local subnet
- If it matches with the remote network, the router structures the packet frame and forwards it to the next interface through the next hop.
The router then searches for the gateway and forwards it further. If not, the router would drop the packet. In case of packet transmission happens between different networks, the server creates a common link for the packet transmission with the help of the host system of the sender network. At the receiver side, the packets transmit through the given link and reach the receiving server through the hosting system, of the receiving side.
Major steps in network routing simulation
For instance, we provide you with the production procedures of routing
- The product analytics decide what to buy or produce
- Deciding the essential materials for production
- Scheduling the production operations and processes
- Limiting the batch counts for manufacturing
- Analysing the cost of production
- Forming production control for effective routing
After the above process, the production analytics then prepares a route-sheet for each order and the analytics can be set manually based on our need of production or manufacturing the products. Let’s take a look at the routers in network simulation.
Routing Protocols in Network Routing Simulation
- Routing based on Fuzzy
Apart from the mentioned protocols, there are many protocols accessible, which we are still using for our research purposes and our team of engineers is trying to structure some new protocols to match the network routing simulation. In addition to the above protocols, our research developers have come up with their suggestions on the project titles as shown below.
Project Topics in Network Routing
- We help you to make projects on sensing data transmission based on MQTT with the help of network simulation
- We help you to make projects on routing and packet transmission on the basis of the relay in VANET with the help of routing simulation
- We help you to make projects on trust-based packet transmission process, with the help of network routing simulation
- We help you to make projects on IoT and AODV based routing selection and packet transmission process with the help of network simulation
- We help you to make projects on sensed packet transmission process with the help of routing simulation
Along with our suggestion on the project titles, we would like to extend our support and guidance over the other areas of networking and network routing simulation, if you are interested. In addition to our team of researchers and project developers, we are having 5000+ happy customers across countries for our networking project service alone! Not only in project service but also we continuing our excellence in the assignment and homeworking tasks. So don’t hesitate to get an incredible experience on your project by joining us and we assure you your expected project results!!