Introduction of Network Simulation Software
Generally, the software is utilized to predict the performance based on computer in all the network devices and that is called as network simulator. The process of simulator includes both the open and free source with the proprietary network simulator. We enlisted some significant network simulators and networks in the following.
- GloMoSim
- NetSim
- Tetcos
- Riverbed
- Ns 2
- Ns 3
Procedures of Network Simulation Software List
In general, we have to grasp some fundamentals points and the uses within a particular research area. Thus, we have listed down the significant benefits in the network simulation software for your ease.
- It is deployed to predict the characteristics of network devices and components
- Some significant technologies and networks are supportive for the process of network simulation such as
- Cognitive radio networks
- Wireless LANs
- Internet of things (IoT)
- 5G
Important Modules in Network Simulation Software List
Let us take a look into the notable modules with their functions which are considered as important in the research process and it is beneficial for the research scholars to uplift their research project in network simulation software.
- The label distribution protocol is abbreviated as LDP and it is deployed for the establishment of MPLS network with the lack of traffic engineering. The full mesh of LSPs among all the routers in the network are established with the accessing IP routing table
- The main objective of LTE technology is to process the modeling in E-UTRA part of the system with some aspects based on MAC, channel and PHY layers
- Stats
- It is denoted as the statistical module and it includes some characteristics in the process of data collection such as
- Open ended and mandatory metadata are used to describe functions
- Database output is functioning over the process including
- High performance in SQL engine
- Lightweight
- Standalone
- SQLite
- Two significant data collectors are used
Vital Classes in Network Simulation Software List
Our research experts are providing significant information about network simulation software. In addition, this section is about the description of required classes used in the research process of network simulation software along with its characteristics are listed in the following.
- Mcast
- It includes the configuration about the uIPv6 multicast
- It is deployed to implement the wireless network and it is abbreviated as greedy perimeter stateless routing for wireless networks along with the support of RNG and GG planarization algorithms
Programming Languages in Network Simulation Software List
Below mentioned are fundamental programming languages used in network simulation software, the research scholars can choose any scripting language and they can get our comprehensive guidance for the research project implementation.
- Cooja
- C
- Ns3
- Python
- C++
- Ns2
- C++
OS Support in Network Simulation Software List
The basic operating system requirements of network simulation software are listed in the following. Research scholars can reach our technical expert for configuration support to implement the research projects.
- System type
- 64 bit operating system
- 8 GB
- Processor
- Intel core i5-9400F
- Contiki 3.0
- Ubuntu – 16.04
- Windows – 8 (64 bit)
Tools Versions in Network Simulation Software List
The following is about the tools version details for network simulation software, similarly research scholars can select various tools and we provide complete details about it when you are reaching our research experts but that should be apt for the research implementation.
- Cooja
- OMNeT 5.0
- Ns 3.29
- Ns 2.35
Dynamic Protocols in Network Simulation Software List
The major protocols are listed below for quick understanding but there are multiple protocols which can be implemented in three performance of position based routing protocols in network simulation software based projects. We are here to help you to dig out the best protocol for your project implementation.
- Contention based forwarding scheme is abbreviated as CBF and it is used in the distributed connection process and that is related to the actual positions and it includes the utilization of biased timers
- Anchor based street and traffic awareness routing is abbreviated as A-STAR is the novel position based routing scheme created for IVCS in the city based areas
- Greedy perimeter coordinator routing is abbreviated as GPCR using the greedy forwarding process to forward the packets to nodes which is adjacent to the destination
- Greedy perimeter stateless routing as GPSR is one of the effective and responsive routing protocols in the both the wireless and mobile networks
Latest Subjects in Network Simulation Software List
Research scholars can get an idea about major subject areas in network simulation software for their research by referring below but scholars can acquire even more research ideas by just contacting us.
- Cyber security
- It includes the significance of computer simulations and beneficial for the network security software to train the security professionals and supportive for network users
- Networking
- It is the collection of computers using the set of general communication protocols through the digital interconnections with the objective of sharing the resources
- Internet of things
- It is the system of various interrelated mechanical and digital machines, animals, objects and computing devices which provides the unique identifies that are capable to transfer the data through network without any human interruptions
Major Parameters in Network Simulation Software List
Here, we have enlisted the significant parameters used for the process of network simulation software in the following.
- Data transmission delay
- It is the delay among the source and destination and measured over second and millisecond
- Message overhead and control overhead
- It is denoted as the excess of packets that are arrived as nodes to transmit the packets and measured through the packet per second
- Robustness
- It is capability to get rid of the failures and measured as the size of networks
Topical Subject Based Modules in Network Simulation Software List
Research scholars have to know about the required classes to implement the research project in network simulation software. To make that ease, our research experts have enlisted the substantial libraries with its appropriate functions in the following.
- Tora
- It is the protocol based on wireless ad hoc networks which is functioning with the timing parameters and Ns 2.35 is integrated with this protocol for the functions
- Specific automatic process is essential for the network management to allocate the relevant amount of resources to fit the user requirements to maintain the high levels of QoS with fast response times
- Topology read
- Its objective is to read the topology file created through the automatic topology generator and it includes two major steps such as
- Reading topology files to build the Ns3 simulation
- Running topology generator to create the topology file
Significant Syntax in Network Simulation Software List
The syntax is essential for to develop the research project, thus our research team have highlighted the notable syntax in service flow and scheduling process based on network simulation software.
WimaxConnection::SetServiceFlow (ServiceFlow *serviceFlow)
m_serviceFlow = serviceFlow;
WimaxConnection::GetServiceFlow (void) const
return m_serviceFlow;
WimaxConnection::GetSchedulingType (void) const
return m_serviceFlow->GetSchedulingType ();
WimaxConnection::Enqueue (Ptr packet, const MacHeaderType &hdrType, const GenericMacHeader &hdr)
return m_queue->Enqueue (packet, hdrType, hdr);
WimaxConnection::Dequeue (MacHeaderType::HeaderType packetType)
return m_queue->Dequeue (packetType);
Foremost Applications in Network Simulation Software List
Some of the major applications which are explored this research field are listed below. In recent days, applications using network simulation software are in peak and we provide support for all type of applications and research ideas based on network simulation software.
- Load balancing
- The distinct event simulation modeling based on linear network architecture is deployed for the study of effects about the five notable network load balancing policies for the baseline scenario of no-load balancing such as
- Weighted fair queuing
- Random
- Number of connections
- Round robin
- Random
- It is based on the reduction of application response times, enhance the application throughput and development in CPU utilization in server performance
- Message transmission process
- Infrared waves and radio frequency are used in the process of message transmission over air. Processes and services based on communication programs are denoted as software and it is the network service which provides the data in response to request
Significant Algorithms in Network Simulation Software List
Listed below are considered as some of the required algorithm used in recent network simulation software based projects but our research experts offer support for all types of algorithms to provide efficient and desired results.
- Optimal integer programming
- It is integer program that is deployed to obtain the optimal cost in routing problem to acquire the appropriate results
- Flooding algorithm
- It is the fundamental networking algorithm with four network simulation applications and it is deployed to distribute the data with the connected networks. Peer to peer file sharing system are used in this algorithm and the nodes are functioning as the sender and receiver
- Minimum marginal cost routing
- It is the sum of marginal costs about the links in path
Major Areas in Network Simulation Software List
We have listed most recent research areas in the following for research scholars to get some overall knowledge about the subjects in network simulation software. They can bring their research idea and get our complete guidance from our research experts.
- Load balancing process
- It includes the process of distributing network traffic through the various servers and to confirm the single server bears. Load balancing is considered as the enhancement of applications and its availability
- Routing process
- As the actual fact, Ns3 is proposed to be assistive for the traditional routing approaches and protocols in the execution of ports in open source routing
Key Process in Network Simulation Software List
Let us discuss about the required process that are deployed to develop the research projects based on network simulation software.
- cc:setup()
- Generate nodes
- Set up system
- Process input
- h:start()
- Start traffic generator
- Connection performance
- Variables initialization
- Core simulation
- Handle backoff
- Traffic generation
- End transmission
- Start transmission
- h:stop()
- Print statistics
- Stop operations
- cc:stop()
- Present results
- Close output files
- Gather statistics
- Output files
Essential Steps in Network Simulation Software List
Our research professionals have listed down the step involved in the network simulation software about the radio network simulation flow.
- Coverage about the transmitter
- Traffic model
- Simulation
- Coverage prediction
- Parameters modification
- Cell
- Transmitter
- Site
Routing Protocols in Network Simulation Software List
Our research experts have listed down the significant routing protocols based on the network simulation software in the following.
- Core based trees routing protocol
- It is one of the center based tree protocol with some simplest forms and the receiver is joined with the multicast group to send the messages
- Distance vector routing protocol
- The router is essential for this protocol to inform the details about its nearby topology and it is capable to modify intermittently
- Link state routing protocol
- It is used to construct the map about connectivity to the network and it displays the nodes that are connected with other nodes
Trending Project Titles in Network Simulation Software List
Let us take a glance over the most recent research project titles based on the network simulation software list. We have highlighted these titles through analyzing several research papers and thesis from the topical research journals based on network simulation process. For your reference, our research professionals in network simulation field have highlighted the significant process in the process of transformation about sensing data with the implementation screenshots. The screenshots are used to state the functions of this project and that includes the process.