The research scholars can feel free to select a research topic in based on the research field cognitive radio network. In addition to that, the researchers can select any of the below mentioned research topics based on cognitive radio network to develop their own research project.
- Target channel scheduling and sensing
- Dynamic spectrum access
- Error control and fault prediction
- Spectrum and power allocation
- PUEA detection
- Secondary users routing

Cognitive Radio Projects
Moreover, the research professionals in cognitive radio network have highlighted some research projects in cognitive radio.
- Preventing cognitive radio networks against SSDH attacks in sequential compressed spectrum sensing algorithm
- Cooperative cognitive radio non orthogonal multiple access networks using robust secure beamforming technique
- An adaptive transmit power in cognitive radio networks with reflecting surfaces
- Utilization of cognitive radio in RPL smart grid network for multi criteria parent selection
- CRN based malicious users tackle using double adaptive approach
- Combating SSDF attack in CRN using SETM algorithm
- Routing protocol for joint channel selection in cognitive radio network
- Cognitive radio vehicular ad hoc networks using spectrum handoff aware AODV routing protocol
- Parallel sensing in CRN for self-organized efficient spectrum management
- Rural and suburban area in cognitive radio network using dynamic interference optimization
- Secured cognitive radio networks with SWIPT using AN aided transmit beamforming design
- Cognitive radio network based spectrum sensing using reliable machine learning
- Spectrum sensing in cognitive radio network using ensemble classifier
- Cognitive radio ad hoc networks using load balancing opportunistic routing
- UAV based cognitive radio network through spectrum efficiency optimization
- Emerging 5G systems via full duplex and cognitive radio networking
- Full duplex cognitive radio network parameter optimization based on throughput
- Cognitive radio network based process of spectrum mobility and handoff
- Spectrum sensing method for energy detection in cognitive radio network
- An optimal relay selection in cognitive radio network based on QoS
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