Undoubtedly, our skillful resource team have the in depth knowledge about the cyber security research field. Along with that, our technical developers have enough knowledge to implement the PhD research projects based on cyber security system. It’s time to take a look at the latest research topics in cyber security.
- Insider threat and intrusion detection
- Access control and privacy
- Malware and virus detection
- Anti-forensic detection
- Ransomware detection
- Virtualized security

Cyber Security Projects
As an additional note, we have highlighted some research projects in cyber security that has been executed in recent times.
- Improving cyber security in IIoT based electric power systems
- An efficient safety and security in IIoT and cyber physical systems
- Systematic two stage detection strategy for improving power system cyber security
- Cyber physical systems based security verification using transformation approach
- Utilization of energy auditing to improve the cyber physical security in IoT
- Multimedia data cache resource allocation to design the cyber physical security
- Monitoring microgrid resiliency for cyber physical security assessment metric
- Enhancing security protection of industrial cyber physical systems through anomaly detection based on zone partition
- Analysis of communication based train control over cyber physical vulnerability
- Prevention of misleading cyber adversaries using private game theoretic approach
- Implementing new topological viewpoint of cyber security constrained placement of FACTS devices in power networks
- Utilization of model checking to verify security in cyber physical systems
- Granular computing model to enhance network traffic forecasting in network cyber security
- Enhancement of cyber supply chain security through cyber threat predictive analytics
- Preventing DoS attacks in cyber physical systems using active security control approach
- Stochastic cyber-attacks prevention using event based security tracking control in networked control systems
- Enhancing cyber physical systems using integrated cyber security risk management
- Development of teleoperated systems security using high speed elliptic curve cryptography processor
- An approach based on visual cryptography using privacy preserving biometric recognition system
Moreover, the sprouting research students and scholars can reach us at any to get to know about the significance of cyber security projects.