Shall we take a look about the significance of research topics particularly in the optical fiber communication? Of course!!! We can get to know a lot about the optical fiber communication. Firstly, let’s start with the list of innovative research topics in the field of optical fiber communication.
- Optics in 5G based networks
- Rapid fault handling
- Passive optical networks
- Optical access line switching
- Optical fibers application
- Systems on a chip

Optical Fiber Communication Projects
Most significantly, our technical experts have highlighted the research projects based on optical fiber communication in the following.
- Determination of thermal diffusivity of nanofluid using optical fiber thermal wave cavity methodology
- Soliton propagation’s characterization in lossy optical fiber via extended split step Fourier transformation mechanism
- Differential evolution technique for wireless radio frequency automation in optical fiber transmission system
- Fuzzy logic control and optical fiber sensor for IoT water level detection control system
- A design of PIN array receiver model in space optical communication through liner fitting method
- Enabling receiver for Fiber optic communication systems using digital back propagation and time domain equalization
- Multithreaded scheduling using virtual reality technique in optical communication sensor network
- Integrated photogrammetry and optical camera communication for vehicle localization scheme
- Cascaded taming technology in optical fiber network for long distance time transfer
- High power laser diode beam in optical communication for vector Rayleigh diffraction process
- Bent glass fiber probes entrenched true tapping mode scanning through field optical microscopy
- Measuring object’s surface flatness through optical fiber sensing technology
- Optical camera communication using indoor mobile localization system
- Signal processing technology for fiber optical current transformer in fault mechanism
- Side coupling induction technology for optical fiber liquid level sensor
- Multi agent optical fiber intelligent health monitoring system using Delphi collaboration technique
- Single optical fiber methodology for angular resolved deep brain fluorescence imaging
- Optical fiber communication based underwater information acquisition system prototype approach
- Identification of hand postures using optical fiber force myography sensor techniques
- Estimation of strain and distributed temperature through common communication optical fiber with brilllouin frequency shift
Our research professionals are providing the complete support for the research scholars, so you guys can contact us at any time to clarify your doubts.