Let’s see what is new in the parallel distributed system over this article “PhD research topics in parallel distributed system”. Most significantly, our research experts in parallel distributed system have described the appropriate research notions particularly in the field of parallel distributed system.
- Real time parallel systems design
- QoS in distributed systems
- Parallel data visualization
- Real time interactive systems
- Parallel model checking
- Parallel and GPU programming
Parallel Distributed System Projects
As an additional note, our technical professionals have highlighted the list of research topics based on parallel distributed system in the following.
- A novel parallel algorithmic framework for SSSP update in large scale dynamic networks GPU platform
- A parallel distributed computing method for multi region IES with electricity network
- Multi-tier distributed systems based prediction letdowns
- Load balancing in distributed systems using fairness aware mechanism
- Distributed system based data streaming using time series similarity search
- Data storage and sharing using parallel distributed architecture
- A cost aware load balancing in distributed systems using game theoretic approach
- Execution time of e-science workflow prediction through machine learning ensemble methods
- Resources allocation in distributed systems using cloud computing virtualization
- Heterogeneous distributed systems based energy consumption controlled parallel applications using enhanced scheduling approach
- Shuffled genetic based task scheduling algorithm for heterogeneous distributed systems
- Big spatial data mining based parallel and distributed clustering framework
- A fast and scalable testing approach in distributed systems with complex interleavings
- Energy constrained parallel applications in heterogeneous distributed systems for reliability maximization
- An extension of unite and conquer GMRES/LS-ERAM method for large scale non-Hermitian linear systems
- Distributed unbalanced workload training system for weighted parallel SGD
- Operation optimization of integrated energy systems considering heterogeneous structure using IBDP method
- Systems of parallel structure within process networks using robust distributed model predictive control
- Enhancing adoption of parallel and distributed computing through classifying and analyzing pedagogical materials
- An energy saving of parallel connected pumps in HVAC systems via distributed optimization method
To this end, we are providing assurance that we are always ready to provide assistance for the research scholars so reach us.