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How to Implement MAC Frame Design in ns3

To implement a custom MAC frame design in ns3 requires a creation of MAC layer protocol whether it’s new or altering an existing one with your certain frame structure.

Let’s take a look at the step-by-step implementation guide on how to design a frame in ns3:

Step-by-Step Implementation:

Step 1: Define Your MAC Frame Structure

First, we have to describe the MAC frame based on our preferences by stating the fields and its sizes.

For instance, a simple custom MAC frame might look like this:

Field Size (bits)
Preamble 8
Frame Control 16
Duration/ID 16
Address 1 48
Address 2 48
Address 3 48
Sequence Control 16
Address 4 48 (optional)
Payload variable
FCS 32

Step 2: Create a Custom MAC Header

Second, we have to describe a new MAC header which contains the fields you specified and creating a new header class derived from the header.

Create a new header file, e.g., my-mac-header.h:



#include “ns3/header.h”

#include “ns3/address.h”

namespace ns3 {

class MyMacHeader : public Header



MyMacHeader ();

virtual ~MyMacHeader ();

void SetAddresses (Mac48Address src, Mac48Address dst);

Mac48Address GetSource () const;

Mac48Address GetDestination () const;

static TypeId GetTypeId (void);

virtual TypeId GetInstanceTypeId (void) const;

virtual void Print (std::ostream &os) const;

virtual uint32_t GetSerializedSize (void) const;

virtual void Serialize (Buffer::Iterator start) const;

virtual uint32_t Deserialize (Buffer::Iterator start);


Mac48Address m_src;

Mac48Address m_dst;

uint16_t m_duration;

uint16_t m_sequence;

uint32_t m_fcs;


} // namespace ns3

#endif // MY_MAC_HEADER_H

Create the implementation file, e.g., my-mac-header.cc:

#include “my-mac-header.h”

#include “ns3/address-utils.h”

#include “ns3/packet.h”

namespace ns3 {



MyMacHeader::GetTypeId (void)


static TypeId tid = TypeId (“ns3::MyMacHeader”)

.SetParent<Header> ()

.SetGroupName (“Network”)

.AddConstructor<MyMacHeader> ();

return tid;



MyMacHeader::GetInstanceTypeId (void) const


return GetTypeId ();


MyMacHeader::MyMacHeader ()

: m_duration (0),

m_sequence (0),

m_fcs (0)



MyMacHeader::~MyMacHeader ()




MyMacHeader::SetAddresses (Mac48Address src, Mac48Address dst)


m_src = src;

m_dst = dst;



MyMacHeader::GetSource () const


return m_src;



MyMacHeader::GetDestination () const


return m_dst;



MyMacHeader::Print (std::ostream &os) const


os << “Src: ” << m_src << “, Dst: ” << m_dst

<< “, Duration: ” << m_duration << “, Sequence: ” << m_sequence

<< “, FCS: ” << m_fcs;



MyMacHeader::GetSerializedSize (void) const


return 2 + 2 + 6 + 6 + 4; // duration, sequence, src, dst, FCS



MyMacHeader::Serialize (Buffer::Iterator start) const


start.WriteHtonU16 (m_duration);

WriteTo (start, m_src);

WriteTo (start, m_dst);

start.WriteHtonU16 (m_sequence);

start.WriteHtonU32 (m_fcs);



MyMacHeader::Deserialize (Buffer::Iterator start)


m_duration = start.ReadNtohU16 ();

ReadFrom (start, m_src);

ReadFrom (start, m_dst);

m_sequence = start.ReadNtohU16 ();

m_fcs = start.ReadNtohU32 ();

return GetSerializedSize ();


} // namespace ns3

Step 3: Integrate the Custom Header into a MAC Protocol

To use this header, we need to build or modify a MAC protocol class by integrating your custom MAC header into a MAC protocol. Here, we will demonstrate how to modify an existing simple MAC protocol for demonstration.

  1. Create a new MAC protocol file, e.g., my-mac-protocol.h:



#include “ns3/net-device.h”

#include “ns3/packet.h”

#include “ns3/nstime.h”

#include “my-mac-header.h”

namespace ns3 {

class MyMacProtocol : public NetDevice



static TypeId GetTypeId (void);

MyMacProtocol ();

virtual ~MyMacProtocol ();

void SendPacket (Ptr<Packet> packet, Mac48Address src, Mac48Address dst);

// Inherited from NetDevice

virtual void SetIfIndex (const uint32_t index);

virtual uint32_t GetIfIndex (void) const;

virtual Ptr<Channel> GetChannel (void) const;

virtual void SetAddress (Address address);

virtual Address GetAddress (void) const;

virtual bool SetMtu (const uint16_t mtu);

virtual uint16_t GetMtu (void) const;

virtual bool IsLinkUp (void) const;

virtual void AddLinkChangeCallback (Callback<void> callback);

virtual bool IsBroadcast (void) const;

virtual Address GetBroadcast (void) const;

virtual bool Send (Ptr<Packet> packet, const Address &dest, uint16_t protocolNumber);

virtual bool SendFrom (Ptr<Packet> packet, const Address &source, const Address &dest, uint16_t protocolNumber);

virtual Ptr<Node> GetNode (void) const;

virtual void SetNode (Ptr<Node> node);

virtual bool NeedsArp (void) const;

virtual void SetReceiveCallback (NetDevice::ReceiveCallback cb);

virtual void DoDispose (void);


void ReceivePacket (Ptr<Packet> packet);

Ptr<Channel> m_channel;

Ptr<Node> m_node;

Address m_address;

NetDevice::ReceiveCallback m_receiveCallback;


} // namespace ns3


Create the implementation file, e.g., my-mac-protocol.cc:

#include “my-mac-protocol.h”

#include “ns3/log.h”

#include “ns3/simulator.h”

namespace ns3 {




MyMacProtocol::GetTypeId (void)


static TypeId tid = TypeId (“ns3::MyMacProtocol”)

.SetParent<NetDevice> ()

.SetGroupName (“Network”)

.AddConstructor<MyMacProtocol> ();

return tid;


MyMacProtocol::MyMacProtocol ()



MyMacProtocol::~MyMacProtocol ()




MyMacProtocol::SetIfIndex (const uint32_t index)




MyMacProtocol::GetIfIndex (void) const


return 0;



MyMacProtocol::GetChannel (void) const


return m_channel;



MyMacProtocol::SetAddress (Address address)


m_address = address;



MyMacProtocol::GetAddress (void) const


return m_address;



MyMacProtocol::SetMtu (const uint16_t mtu)


return true;



MyMacProtocol::GetMtu (void) const


return 1500;



MyMacProtocol::IsLinkUp (void) const


return true;



MyMacProtocol::AddLinkChangeCallback (Callback<void> callback)




MyMacProtocol::IsBroadcast (void) const


return true;



MyMacProtocol::GetBroadcast (void) const


return Mac48Address::GetBroadcast ();



MyMacProtocol::Send (Ptr<Packet> packet, const Address &dest, uint16_t protocolNumber)


MyMacHeader header;

header.SetAddresses (Mac48Address::ConvertFrom (m_address), Mac48Address::ConvertFrom (dest));

packet->AddHeader (header);

NS_LOG_INFO (“Sending packet with custom MAC header”);

return true;



MyMacProtocol::SendFrom (Ptr<Packet> packet, const Address &source, const Address &dest, uint16_t protocolNumber)


return Send (packet, dest, protocolNumber);



MyMacProtocol::GetNode (void) const


return m_node;



MyMacProtocol::SetNode (Ptr<Node> node)


m_node = node;



MyMacProtocol::NeedsArp (void) const


return true;



MyMacProtocol::SetReceiveCallback (NetDevice::ReceiveCallback cb)


m_receiveCallback = cb;



MyMacProtocol::DoDispose (void)


m_channel = 0;

m_node = 0;

NetDevice::DoDispose ();



MyMacProtocol::ReceivePacket (Ptr<Packet> packet)


MyMacHeader header;

packet->RemoveHeader (header);

NS_LOG_INFO (“Received packet with custom MAC header”);

if (!m_receiveCallback.IsNull ())


m_receiveCallback (this, packet, 0, header.GetSource ());



} // namespace ns3

Step 4: Integrate Your Custom MAC Protocol into a Simulation

Use your custom MAC protocol in an ns3 simulation script.

  1. Include the necessary headers:

#include “ns3/core-module.h”

#include “ns3/network-module.h”

#include “ns3/internet-module.h”

#include “my-mac-protocol.h”

  1. 2. Create and configure the nodes and devices:

using namespace ns3;

int main (int argc, char *argv[])


NodeContainer nodes;

nodes.Create (2);

// Install Internet stack

InternetStackHelper internet;

internet.Install (nodes);

// Create and install custom MAC protocol on nodes

Ptr<MyMacProtocol> mac1 = CreateObject<MyMacProtocol> ();

Ptr<MyMacProtocol> mac2 = CreateObject<MyMacProtocol> ();

nodes.Get (0)->AddDevice (mac1);

nodes.Get (1)->AddDevice (mac2);

// Set addresses

mac1->SetAddress (Mac48Address::Allocate ());

mac2->SetAddress (Mac48Address::Allocate ());

// Assign IP addresses

Ipv4AddressHelper ipv4;

ipv4.SetBase (“”, “”);

Ipv4InterfaceContainer interfaces = ipv4.Assign (NetDeviceContainer (mac1, mac2));

// Set up applications

UdpEchoServerHelper echoServer (9);

ApplicationContainer serverApps = echoServer.Install (nodes.Get (1));

serverApps.Start (Seconds (1.0));

serverApps.Stop (Seconds (10.0));

UdpEchoClientHelper echoClient (interfaces.GetAddress (1), 9);

echoClient.SetAttribute (“MaxPackets”, UintegerValue (1));

echoClient.SetAttribute (“Interval”, TimeValue (Seconds (1.0)));

echoClient.SetAttribute (“PacketSize”, UintegerValue (1024));

ApplicationContainer clientApps = echoClient.Install (nodes.Get (0));

clientApps.Start (Seconds (2.0));

clientApps.Stop (Seconds (10.0));

Simulator::Run ();

Simulator::Destroy ();

return 0;


Step 5: Compile and Run Your Simulation

Lastly, we have to compile your ns3 simulation script and run the simulation.

Example Compilation Command:

./waf configure

./waf build

./waf –run my-mac-simulation

Finally, we came across a script that provides the entire installation process from the scratch on how to implement MAC frame design in ns3 tool. For further use, you can be able to get information about MAC frame design from us.

If you want the best help with your MAC Frame Design project in ns3tool, feel free to contact us. Our developers have cool project ideas and can guide you through the steps to make them happen.