Openmpi-bin is a package that contains the necessary binaries for the Open MPI library, a widely used implementation of the MPI standard for parallel computing. It includes command-line tools like mpirun and ompi_info, which are essential for setting up and running parallel computations in distributed computing environments. It is crucial for developers and researchers working on high-performance computing projects. By installing openmpi-bin, we manage and execute parallel applications, leveraging the full power of multi-node and multi-core systems.
Look out for the installation of Openmpi-bin compiler.
- Fresh installation of Ubuntu 22.04 LTS:
- Open a terminal, Copy and Paste the commands to install required package:
2.System File Update Command:
First of all, we need to updates the list of available packages and their versions stored in the system’s package index. Use below command to update the system package.
Command: “sudo apt-get update”
3.Openmpi-bin Installation Command:
Next, we need to install Openmpi-bin package in the ubuntu system. Use below command to install the Openmpi-bin package.
Command: “sudo apt-get install openmpi-bin”
If it prompt, then Click Y to install the additional package.
Openmpi-bin package Installed successfully in the Ubuntu 22.04 system.
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