To implement the sensor management in ns3 has to emulate the network of sensor nodes that can interact with each other and probably a central sink node. These nodes can perform tasks like data collection, aggregation, and routing. In the given below we provide the detailed procedure on how to implement the basic sensor network simulation in ns3.
Step-by-Step Implementation:
- Set Up ns3 Environment
Make sure ns3 is installed in the system.
- Create a New Simulation Script
Make a new C++ script for your simulation. For this instance, we will use C++.
- Include Necessary Headers
Include the required ns3 headers in the script.
#include “ns3/core-module.h”
#include “ns3/network-module.h”
#include “ns3/internet-module.h”
#include “ns3/wifi-module.h”
#include “ns3/mobility-module.h”
#include “ns3/applications-module.h”
#include “ns3/energy-module.h”
#include “ns3/sensor-module.h”
4. Define the Network Topology
Set up the basic network topology, including nodes, devices, and links.
using namespace ns3;
NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE (“SensorNetworkExample”);
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
CommandLine cmd;
cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
// Create nodes
NodeContainer sensorNodes;
sensorNodes.Create (10); // Create 10 sensor nodes
NodeContainer sinkNode;
sinkNode.Create (1); // Create 1 sink node
// Set up Wi-Fi
WifiHelper wifi;
wifi.SetStandard (WIFI_STANDARD_80211b);
YansWifiChannelHelper channel = YansWifiChannelHelper::Default ();
YansWifiPhyHelper phy = YansWifiPhyHelper::Default ();
phy.SetChannel (channel.Create ());
WifiMacHelper mac;
Ssid ssid = Ssid (“ns3-sensor-network”);
mac.SetType (“ns3::AdhocWifiMac”, “Ssid”, SsidValue (ssid));
NetDeviceContainer sensorDevices = wifi.Install (phy, mac, sensorNodes);
NetDeviceContainer sinkDevice = wifi.Install (phy, mac, sinkNode);
// Install the internet stack
InternetStackHelper internetStack;
internetStack.Install (sensorNodes);
internetStack.Install (sinkNode);
Ipv4AddressHelper address;
address.SetBase (“”, “”);
Ipv4InterfaceContainer sensorInterfaces = address.Assign (sensorDevices);
Ipv4InterfaceContainer sinkInterface = address.Assign (sinkDevice);
// Set mobility
MobilityHelper mobility;
mobility.SetPositionAllocator (“ns3::RandomRectanglePositionAllocator”,
“X”, StringValue (“ns3::UniformRandomVariable[Min=0.0|Max=100.0]”),
“Y”, StringValue (“ns3::UniformRandomVariable[Min=0.0|Max=100.0]”));
mobility.SetMobilityModel (“ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel”);
mobility.Install (sensorNodes);
mobility.SetPositionAllocator (“ns3::GridPositionAllocator”,
“MinX”, DoubleValue (50.0),
“MinY”, DoubleValue (50.0),
“DeltaX”, DoubleValue (0.0),
“DeltaY”, DoubleValue (0.0),
“GridWidth”, UintegerValue (1),
“LayoutType”, StringValue (“RowFirst”));
mobility.Install (sinkNode);
// Install energy model
BasicEnergySourceHelper basicSourceHelper;
basicSourceHelper.Set (“BasicEnergySourceInitialEnergyJ”, DoubleValue (100.0));
EnergySourceContainer sources = basicSourceHelper.Install (sensorNodes);
WifiRadioEnergyModelHelper radioEnergyHelper;
DeviceEnergyModelContainer deviceModels = radioEnergyHelper.Install (sensorDevices, sources);
// Install applications
uint16_t port = 9; // Discard port
OnOffHelper onoff (“ns3::UdpSocketFactory”, InetSocketAddress (sinkInterface.GetAddress (0), port));
onoff.SetAttribute (“OnTime”, StringValue (“ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=1]”));
onoff.SetAttribute (“OffTime”, StringValue (“ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=0]”));
onoff.SetAttribute (“DataRate”, DataRateValue (DataRate (“500kbps”)));
onoff.SetAttribute (“PacketSize”, UintegerValue (200));
ApplicationContainer apps = onoff.Install (sensorNodes);
apps.Start (Seconds (1.0));
apps.Stop (Seconds (10.0));
PacketSinkHelper sink (“ns3::UdpSocketFactory”, InetSocketAddress (Ipv4Address::GetAny (), port));
ApplicationContainer sinkApps = sink.Install (sinkNode.Get (0));
sinkApps.Start (Seconds (0.0));
sinkApps.Stop (Seconds (10.0));
// Enable pcap tracing
phy.EnablePcap (“sensor-network”, sensorDevices);
// Run simulation
Simulator::Stop (Seconds (10.0));
Simulator::Run ();
Simulator::Destroy ();
return 0;
- Network Topology: The script sets up a sensor network topology with ten sensor nodes and one sink node.
- Wi-Fi Setup: The script configures Wi-Fi for the sensor network using the WifiHelper, YansWifiChannelHelper, and WifiMacHelper classes. The Wi-Fi standard used here is 802.11b.
- Mobility: The nodes are assigned random positions within a defined area for sensor nodes and a fixed position for the sink node.
- Energy Model: The BasicEnergySourceHelper and WifiRadioEnergyModelHelper are used to install an energy model on the sensor nodes to simulate energy consumption.
- Applications: An OnOff application is installed on the sensor nodes to simulate data transmission, and a PacketSink application is installed on the sink node to receive the data.
- PCAP Tracing: PCAP tracing is enabled to capture packets for analysis.
5. Build and Run the Script
Save the script and build it using the ns-3 build system (waf).
./waf configure
./waf build
./waf –run your-script-name
At last, we discussed about implementation process and setup network configuration in sensor management in ns3 project. We support any kinds of sensor management networks.
Our developers conducts a thorough comparative analysis of Sensor Management in ns3tool. Should you encounter any challenges, do not hesitate to reach out to us. We specialize in data collection, aggregation, and routing as they relate to your unique concepts. Simply provide us with your parameter details, and we will deliver exceptional results.