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How to Implement network Attacks Mitigation in ns3

To implement network attacks mitigation in ns3 includes to forming mechanisms to sense and counteract malicious activities. Here it is show you how to set up a simple network, simulate an attack, and implement basic mitigation techniques in ns3.

Step-by-Step Implementations:

Step 1: Set Up ns3 Environment

  1. Install ns3: Download and install ns3. In the operating system we follow the proper installation guide
  2. Familiarize yourself with ns3: To understand the simple ideas and structure of ns3 simulations while reading through the ns3 tutorial.

Step 2: Define the Network Topology

  1. Create a Simple Network: By using ns3 we express a basic network topology. It is encompasses to forming nodes, setting up channels, and constituting IP addresses.

#include “ns3/core-module.h”

#include “ns3/network-module.h”

#include “ns3/internet-module.h”

#include “ns3/point-to-point-module.h”

using namespace ns3;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

NodeContainer nodes;

nodes.Create(3); // Example: 3 nodes (1 server, 1 client, 1 attacker)

PointToPointHelper pointToPoint;

pointToPoint.SetDeviceAttribute(“DataRate”, StringValue(“5Mbps”));

pointToPoint.SetChannelAttribute(“Delay”, StringValue(“2ms”));

NetDeviceContainer devices;

devices = pointToPoint.Install(nodes);

InternetStackHelper stack;


Ipv4AddressHelper address;

address.SetBase(“”, “”);

Ipv4InterfaceContainer interfaces = address.Assign(devices);



return 0;


Step 3: Implement Attack Simulation

  1. Create Attack Simulation Application: To improve an application which simulates malicious conduct, like a Denial of Service (DoS) attack or else data exfiltration.

class AttackSimulationApp : public Application {


AttackSimulationApp() {}

virtual ~AttackSimulationApp() {}


virtual void StartApplication() {

// Schedule the first attack activity

Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(1.0), &AttackSimulationApp::LaunchAttack, this);


virtual void StopApplication() {

// Teardown code


void LaunchAttack() {

Ptr<Packet> packet = Create<Packet>(1024); // Example malicious packet

// Simulate attack behavior (e.g., send packets to the server node)

// Reschedule attack activity

Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(0.1), &AttackSimulationApp::LaunchAttack, this);



Ptr<AttackSimulationApp> attackApp = CreateObject<AttackSimulationApp>();

Ptr<Node> attackerNode = nodes.Get(2); // Example: Attacker node




Step 4: Implement Mitigation Mechanisms

  1. Create Mitigation Application: When detects and mitigates the attack to advance an application or module. It is implicate rate limiting, traffic filtering, or other countermeasures.

class MitigationApp : public Application {


MitigationApp() {}

virtual ~MitigationApp() {}

void SetMitigationCriteria(std::function<bool(Ptr<const Packet>)> criteria) {

m_criteria = criteria;



virtual void StartApplication() {

// Schedule the first mitigation check

Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(1.0), &MitigationApp::MitigateAttack, this);


virtual void StopApplication() {

// Teardown code


void MitigateAttack() {

// Inspect and mitigate packets based on criteria

Ptr<Packet> packet = Create<Packet>(1024); // Example packet inspection

if (m_criteria(packet)) {

// Mitigation logic (e.g., drop the packet, rate limit, etc.)


// Reschedule the next mitigation check

Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(1.0), &MitigationApp::MitigateAttack, this);


std::function<bool(Ptr<const Packet>)> m_criteria;


Integrate Mitigation Logic: For noticing and mitigating the attack to state the logic. It can be based on packet contents, traffic patterns, or other principles.

Ptr<MitigationApp> mitigationApp = CreateObject<MitigationApp>();

mitigationApp->SetMitigationCriteria([](Ptr<const Packet> packet) {

// Define mitigation logic (e.g., detect and drop malicious packets)

return true; // Example: Drop all packets


Ptr<Node> serverNode = nodes.Get(1); // Example: Server node


Step 5: Simulate and Analyze Results

  1. Run the Simulation: To observe the performance of the occurrence and the efficiency of the mitigation mechanisms to run the simulation.





Collect Metrics: To evaluate the performance of the mitigation system first we collect relevant metrics. The mitigation system like the number of blocked packets, attack success rate, and network performance impact.

Visualize Results: To envision the simulation results and consider the helpfulness of the mitigation mechanism by using the devices such as Gnuplot or Python’s Matplotlib.

In this paper, we explain in the approach to do the Network Attacks Mitigation in ns3. Here we perceive attentive to conquer the Network Attacks Mitigation and their clear step-by-step guidance. We are wholehearted to contribute the active compressed and considerations to formal the Network Attacks Mitigation in ns3.

Share your details with us, and in return, we will ensure the best project implementation focused on network attack mitigation utilizing the ns3 tool.