What is NetSim?
NetSim is permitting the users to test the universe to test the characteristics of protective devices in the event of some realistic fault through the means of transient signals. The configurations based on standard network along with the settings of simple parameters to permit the rudimentary and fast simulations through some degree of test case set.
What is IoT Simulator?
The users are permitted to create and simulate the hundreds of connected devices without any regulation and configuration of physical devices and to develop the time consuming scripts is called as the IoT device simulator. The IoT simulator is deployed to simulate the following components.
- Healthcare devices
- Smart farming
- Smart cities
- Smart buildings and facilities
- Smart manufacturing
NetSim Internet of Things
The NetSim permits users to create the network, simulate and analyze the performance of IoT network through the utilization of following elements.
- 6LoWPAN gateway
- It is used to switch the packets from one particular network to other network
- Routing
- It is deployed over the routers such as
- RPL (RFC 6550)
- AODV (RFC 3561)
- Data link and physical layer
- It is executed through the standards of IEEE 802.15.4
- Devices
- Some devices are used to drag and drop the network design and they are
- Nodes
- AP
- Switches
- Routers
- 6LoWPAN gateway
- Sensor motes
- Network layer
- Both the IPv6 and IPv4 are functioning through IPV6 (RFC 2460)
Energy Harvesting in IoT
Internet of things is considered as the intelligent infrastructure that is uniquely identified device which is capable for the wireless communication among the services of people over internet. IoT devices are requiring the adequate energy to operate the network based on self-sufficient manner for the compromising the quality of services. In addition, it is denoted as the imperative form for the enhancement of longevity of devices and energy efficiency in IoT. The NetSim is considered as the lifetime of IoT system which is fully dependent of average energy consumption of the sensor devices as per the activation of duty cycle. Consequently, this process includes the operations such as.
- Transmitting (TX)
- Receiving (RX)
- Processing (PR)
- Sensing (SN)
Clustering Algorithms for Reducing Energy Consumption
In general, the clustering algorithms are significantly used to enhance the life time process of wireless sensor networks. The low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) is deployed as MAC protocol and that is integrated along with the simple routing and clustering protocols based on WSNs. The main intension of LEACH is to lower the energy consumption which is required for the creation and preserve the clusters.
The nodes based on LEACH are used for the transmission of cluster heads and the cluster heads are aggregating the data to forward the process towards the sink. All the nodes are utilizing the stochastic algorithm in each and every round for the determination and it will be transformed as the cluster head. The execution of iteration includes the remaining power is utilized for the criteria of cluster head selection. The process of node with the highest energy for the creation of cluster head and that is considered as the creation of schedule in all the nodes based on cluster for the transmission of data.
LEACH is developed through the clustering algorithms and the number of clusters is optimized with various other parameters apart from the energy that is deployed in the process of cluster head selection.
Application of Machine Learning to IoT
The foremost intention of this project is for the maximization of life time process in the wireless sensor network through the utilization of self-organizing map based on neural network algorithms in the selection of cluster head. The users have the dene lifetime based on WSN and that is the time which includes the power of half sensors that reach zero which is also called as half-life of network. Firstly, the sensors are started with xed amount of energy in the process. Additionally, the energy consumption is considered as the process of data transmission, idle states and reception. The process of packet transmission over sensors in cluster head sensor and it is forwarded towards the sink node as the cluster heads. For instance, all the MAC and PHY layer simulations are supportive through NetSim.
Route Optimization in RPL Based IoT Networks
Low power and lossy networks are considered as the class of network which includes both the routers and interconnect as per constrains. The LLN routers are typically functional with some constrains about LLN routers are characteristically operating constrains based on the following elements.
- Interconnections
- Instability
- Low data rates
- High loss rates
- Operation
- Memory and energy
- Processing power
The objectives functions are utilized through RPL with some specifications of routing metrics and constrain that are utilized to reach the particular objective. The significant functions based on NetSim RPL are seeking for the recognition of routes to reach the best quality link. The link quality calculation is functional for the availability of Zigbee project with 802.15.4C file as the function mentioned below.
• get_link_quality( ): Lq = (1 - p / rs)
o Final Link Quality = (Sending Link Quality + Receiving link quality) / 2
o rs = Receiver sensitivity (dBm)
o p = received power (dBm)
Attacks in IoT Network
The sinkhole attack simulation is functional for NetSim simulation with the malicious node advertisements and that is considered as the artificial beneficial routing path what the attackers with various nearby nodes to rote the tra-c. The RPL protocol is considered as the provision of various mechanisms to nodes in DODAG for the determination of nodes with the utilization of default route. The rank of this process is considered as the transmission and calculation through the neighboring nodes process with the relative position of nodes from DODAG root. The attackers are capable to launch the sinkhole through advertising the better rank and that attract the nodes based on DODAG for the selection process of parents. It is requiring for itself and that is required for disrupt of network operations.
Localization Techniques
The process of localization is about the awareness of provision through the identification of location about the wearable devices, vehicles, machine, sensor and etc. which is rapidly enhancing as the hyper connected society trend with some significant ingredients based on internet of things. For instance, in NetSim the localization is implemented and the sensor nodes are with the known localization information is called as the anchor nodes and the nodes that are not known about the location are called as unknown nodes. The distance is estimated through the received power of wireless signals among both the unknown node and anchor node which is called as log distance path loss formula.
Below, we have listed out the significant research topics which are used in the implementation process of Ns3 IoT simulation.
Dissertation Topics in Ns3 IoT Simulation
- Joint service placement and resource allocation for multi UAV collaborative edge computing
- Optimization of time frequency resource management based on probabilistic graphical models in railway internet of things networking
- Residual energy maximization based resource allocation in wireless powered edge computing industrial IoT
- Mobility aware offloading and resource allocation in an MEC enabled IoT network with energy harvesting
- Inter datacenter multicast with store and forward in software defined optical networks
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